Can someone please help me with bees? There are nearly no guides on the internet made in the last 2 years, and I've been breeding for nearly 3 days now, I have over 3 double chests full of useless shit bees, and I can't even get ONE single Imperial or Industrious drone. Is this mod just about wasting as literally much time as possible with random rolls? Is there any skill or things you can do to actually increase your chances or progressing sometime before you turn 300 years old and die? I'm EXTREMELY frustrated, coming off of Blood Magic, a mod where you can actually PROGRESS. Is this mod just for wasting time with nearly no chance of progressing and no point in trying to improve your chances, just roll the dice and roll more dice over and over and over again forever until you punch your computer screen? Sorry, /rant over.
TL;DR: I'm REALLY frustrated with Forestry and bees, and would like some guidance.
OK. Here goes. Step by Step.
1. You can bring any princess back to its original species (or make it into a new species) by breeding and rebreeding it a maximum of 3 to 5 times with identical pure drones of the species you want. For example, you can make a rocky princess into a meadows princess by breeding it a few times with pure meadows drones and bring it back to a rocky princess afterwards by breeding it again with perhaps 5 pure identical rocky drones. So make sure to have tons of spare identical drones available for resetting your princesses. The same applies from mundane up to common to cultivated to majestic to imperial and all the way back down again. So long as you have drones of a species, then u can make a princess of that species. Breeding a princess 3 to 5 times with pure bred drones (even without soul frames) will make the princess a pure bred of the drone species. But it might take up to 2 more breedings with the pure identical drones to give the princess the exact same traits as the drones so that breeding her will then produce stackable drones again.
2. Discard/destroy useless mixed drones. Having them lying around just confuses everything. Never use these (unless u put them into binnies mods - if u r using this mod- to extract a trait u want or to fill the genepool)
3. Automate. Automate. Automate. Watch this vid on youtube on automation. Use the 1st version explained - chest, apiarists pipe, normal transport pipe and an autarchic gate because its the simplest
. Its a key to success especially the apiarists pipe.
OK. Those points above are the keys to bee breeding.
Now, a few simple things to get you started.
Build a ton of apiaries. Keep them all breeding or crossbreeding. This increases the chances of getting a pure bee. Its a numbers game. The more apiaries you have working the higher the probability that you will get what you are looking for.
Only use frames if needed. I dont use frames when Im breeding a stack of drones or if I have 10 identical drones and Im trying to turn my princess into the same species as the drones. This all happens without frames. Soul Frames do help for reaching new species, but thats all I use them for.
Start by breeding a ton of pure identical drones of each species until they stack. This is the foundation of your bee breeding. If they stack, then all the bees in each stack are identical. Thats what u want.
Always keep one stack of pure drones in case you mess up your princess.
Always try to use Pristine Princesses. The ignoble ones can be used for crossbreeding and other general purposes, but I normally dont waste my time on them as they will die at some point.
Your goal should be Alvearys. To get there, you will need both industrious and Imperial bees (pollen and royal jelly). This should be your focus. Dont get sidetracked by other species you might want. Once you get alvearys, things will get easier.
Be prepared for grind, because thats what this is. I have often had to reset my princesses and start over or breed a bunch of lower princesses with drones from the next higher species up the ladder so I have enough princesses to keep going.
You need one pure drone and one pure princess to start breeding a species. Never mess up a pure princess unless you have pure identical drones to bring her back to her previous species. No getting around the hard work. I hope this helps you get your bee breeding sorted.