Is there any way to turn off the Ignoble bees dying off in the configs? I've searched and searched but haven't found anything on it. If anybody knows how to stop this please tell me!
To my knowledge, not possible. Solution: install Gendustry. The industrial apiary has an upgrade that prevents ignoble bees from dying out.Is there any way to turn off the Ignoble bees dying off in the configs? I've searched and searched but haven't found anything on it. If anybody knows how to stop this please tell me!
Ignoble can still be used btw. The never die off in "Bee House"s but ofc cant be automated. Use them in the beginning for some manual breeding to get some honey etc. then scrap them once you got pristines in automated Apiaries/Alvearies.
Yeah eventually 90+% of my princess end up stemming from Rocky princess too.Even tho I read the wiki and talked to people who told me this same thing... I just couldn't get it out of my head that "ignobles are bad" and couldn't ever get myself to take the chance with them. It's just an automatic "melt em down" for me, throw em all away. You really don't need many pristine meadows and forest princesses to get to common/cultivateds, and from that point on the entire pristine/ignoble thing is irrelevant, at least the way I do my bees.