Bee math questions, distilled bees & boilers, 1.4.7 DW20 Pack

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was going to post this in the Google Docs spreadsheet thread for bee math, but it got long. I need help with some of the bee mechanics surrounding how much what is produced and when. I have two alvearies with distilled bees (which have a better base chance for oily combs than oily bees do), and even though my math doesn't add up (see below), I'm producing more oil than I need, and not less. The bees are Fast workers with an Elongated lifespan, and they're in alvearies with rainshields and glowstone lamps. My math (again see below) says I should be producing 9.3 buckets of fuel per hour, and the boiler calculator (also see below) says I'm consuming 12, yet, I'm producing a very small surplus of oil, maybe 10 buckets in 30 minutes or an hour... What have I missed?

2 Alvearies:
- Rain shields
- Lamps
- Fast/Elongated Distilled bees

Maths -
Base chance (oily comb): 10%
Bee chance mod (fast): 1.2
Lifetime (elongated): 45 cycles, 20.625 minutes
Product per cycle: 45 * (10% * 1.2) = 5.4
Single hive product per minute: .261818..., Per hour: 15.7090...
With 2 hives, that means essentially I have an average of 31 combs and change every hour (I used 31 for the math below)

Comb products: Oily Propolis 60%, Honey 75% (voided)
Oily propolis (squeezer): 1/2 bucket of oil, propolis (voided)
Oil => Fuel is 1:1 (??)

31 combs per hour * 60% oily propolis = 18.6 per hour * 1/2 bucket per propolis = 9.3 buckets of oil/fuel per hour

My 36hp boiler requires 12 buckets per hour (according to this:, yet I'm producing a (very very slow) surplus of oil.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Distilled bees have oily combs as a normal product, not a specialty. For normal products, the bees may produce a second comb in each cycle with half the base chance. I.e. you get on average (10% * 1.2) + (5% * 1.2) = 0.18 combs per cycle instead of 0.12. That means, 23.56 combs per hour per single alveary (I guess thats what you mean by hive). Then two alvearies will produce on average 2*23.56*0.6*0.5=14.1 buckets of fuel per hour.

Does this fit better to your observations?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
you should have searched BEFORE creating this post, not after.
My observations are that this all belongs in an existing thread.

I made a post in the bee math thread as well. If there was another thread other than that one that this "should" have been posted in, please let me know and I'll take my question over there. Honestly I was going to include this in my post on said thread, but what I'm asking here seemed a little off topic considering II'm referring to a specific example instead of the Gdocs sheet that is the OP in that thread.

For the record, I did search.

Distilled bees have oily combs as a normal product, not a specialty. For normal products, the bees may produce a second comb in each cycle with half the base chance. I.e. you get on average (10% * 1.2) + (5% * 1.2) = 0.18 combs per cycle instead of 0.12. That means, 23.56 combs per hour per single alveary (I guess thats what you mean by hive). Then two alvearies will produce on average 2*23.56*0.6*0.5=14.1 buckets of fuel per hour.

Does this fit better to your observations?

Yes, and thank you very much!