Balancing and exploit fixes


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would like to compile a list that helps admins to be informed about certain aspects of mods and mod interaction that may cause unintended balancing issues (item duplication, unbalanced item generation, skipping of parts of the game). This is mostly for servers where the goal is steady progression and trade among players.

GregTech iridium "shortcut" with rich slag
Description: The industrial centrifuge (gregtech) can turn 8 platinum dust into 1 iridium. The pulverizer/induction smelter (thermalexpension) can be used to convert 2 platinum + 1 rich slag into 3 platinum. Rich slag is created by smelting any ore (avg. 1 rich slag for 8 ore). This roughly allows players to make 1 iridium out of an 40 ore.
Fix: You can disable the platinum dust recipe in the industrial centrifuge. Set centrifuge { B:item.GT_Dusts.27=false } (GregTech/RecipesAdvancedConfig.cfg)

Forge Lexicon metal duplication
Description: Forge Lexicon allows conversion of Machine Frame (4 iron, 1 gold) into Machine Block (uncraft into 8 refined iron) and Sturdy Machine (smelt back into 8 bronze ingots).
Fix: Add entry in cofh/omnitools.ignore.

TrainCraft steel
Description: TrainCraft allows crafting 8 steel out of 3 iron in the Train workbench. This is much cheaper than other steel. Thaumcraft allows 8 steel to 6 iron conversion.
Fix: Sadly no config for this. You can use RecipeRemover (google it) to remove the crafting recipe for the workbench.

TrainCraft tracks
Description: TrainCraft has a recipe that makes 64 tracks out of 6 steel (TC steel).
Fix: The recipe requires the TC steel. This is made in the Train workbench, but can also be made in the Froge Lexicon. To disable it in the Forge Lexicon, add "ingotSteel" in cofh/omnitools.ignore.

Scrap from nothing
Description: Burning scrap produces more EU than is required to make scrap. So a generator/recycler setup will create scrap from nothing.
Fix: Set B:enableBurningScrap=false in IC2.cfg.

Xychorium ingot duplication
Description: There are the two recipes: 4 ingots -> 4 bricks and 1 brick -> 4 ingots, which effecitively duplicate Xychorium ingots.
Fix: Disable the brick to ingot uncrafting recipe with RecipeRemover (google it).

Extruder + Recycler setup
Description: This is more a balancing consideration. It is possible to set up a large array of Recyclers (IC2) and Igneous Extruder (thermalexpansion) that creates a multitude of different items. This takes away from the game, because so many items are generated from the same source
Fix: You can disable certain items in GregTech/RecipesAdvancedConfig.cfg.

Forge Lexicon Records and Xychorium crystals
Description: A record can be exchanged for any other record. Same for Xychorium crystals.
Fix: Add entry in cofh/omnitools.ignore.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
thanks so much for this, i was looking for a way to prevent people getting easy iridium :D