Hey there I Have my own small server with a few friends and myself on it and recently moved my base and redesigned it all because my old base was pretty crap.
I still have a ton of work to do on my new base but I figured I would show it off and mainly get some input on what people think and what ideas folks could come up with for the base since my creativity can sometimes be pretty lacking lol.
I also plan on streaming but I probably shouldn't post my link here but my name on twitch is gamingoodz. I just started streaming and pretty much am just talking to myself every time I stream lol.
I'm running the Mindcrack 8.2 pack and I added, Mystcraft, Additional pipes, Bibliocraft, Forge essentials.
So heres the Most current "Tour" of my base in this video below: (Btw I play survival style I don't like things that I see as cheaty Like getting all your eu from the nethers lava or massive arrays of solar panels. So I tend to try to find different ways of doing things)
I plan on keeping this thread updated as sort of a visual progress of my base and what I'm doing if I can.
Let me know what you think and throw me some ideas from you creative folks.
I still have a ton of work to do on my new base but I figured I would show it off and mainly get some input on what people think and what ideas folks could come up with for the base since my creativity can sometimes be pretty lacking lol.
I also plan on streaming but I probably shouldn't post my link here but my name on twitch is gamingoodz. I just started streaming and pretty much am just talking to myself every time I stream lol.
I'm running the Mindcrack 8.2 pack and I added, Mystcraft, Additional pipes, Bibliocraft, Forge essentials.
So heres the Most current "Tour" of my base in this video below: (Btw I play survival style I don't like things that I see as cheaty Like getting all your eu from the nethers lava or massive arrays of solar panels. So I tend to try to find different ways of doing things)
I plan on keeping this thread updated as sort of a visual progress of my base and what I'm doing if I can.
Let me know what you think and throw me some ideas from you creative folks.