I wanted to update a script I use to make a backup of the save directory (as my computer tends to crash, corrupting the world). But I can't find the directory where feed the beast places the world? Somewhere in %appdata%?
I'm running windows 7, and here's a copy of the script.
$date = Get-Date -uformat %Y%m%d
$fileextension = ".7z"
$filebase = "D:\Games\FeedTheBeastLauncher\FTB-" + $date + "-"
$archiver = "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"
$arc_opts = "a"
$minecraftdir = "???"
# Count up from 1 to find first unused file name.
# Also, pad numbers less that 10 with a 0.
$i = 1
do {
if ($i -lt 10)
{ $filename = $filebase + "0" + $i + $fileextension }
{ $filename = $filebase + $i + $fileextension }
while (Test-Path $filename)
& $archiver $arc_opts $filename $minecraftdir
I'm running windows 7, and here's a copy of the script.
$date = Get-Date -uformat %Y%m%d
$fileextension = ".7z"
$filebase = "D:\Games\FeedTheBeastLauncher\FTB-" + $date + "-"
$archiver = "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"
$arc_opts = "a"
$minecraftdir = "???"
# Count up from 1 to find first unused file name.
# Also, pad numbers less that 10 with a 0.
$i = 1
do {
if ($i -lt 10)
{ $filename = $filebase + "0" + $i + $fileextension }
{ $filename = $filebase + $i + $fileextension }
while (Test-Path $filename)
& $archiver $arc_opts $filename $minecraftdir