Backpack Config Help?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello forums!
So, a friend of mine who runs the mindcrack pack server we play on found out about forestry backpacks, and the fact that the adventurers backpack is supposed to be configured to your liking. I'd love to make it so that I can hold any and all items in it, so that i get a few more inventory spaces. My friend said he'd have to enter in the ID numbers for every item in the game in to the config file to make it work, and he's not going to type it out himself. Basically, I either need a list of all the item ID's in the game that we can copy and paste in to the config, or some other way to make the backpack hold anything. I leave my problem to you forums, give me some results!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I tried to get the adventurers backpack to work myself but failed. It is like it just ignores the config for it. Hopefully someone has gotten it to work and will share its arcane secrects with us.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You can dump the id's for it but that will only get you so far. You'll have to do some major editing to the dump file before you can paste it into the config file.

I don't know if the nei dump file shows damage numbers for the different colors and stuff though.
I was going to do the same thing until I saw how much work it was going to be and just ended up adding a few things to a couple of different packs.

Probably best to just go into nei and enable id's and enter stuff by hand.

just remember that different colored items and some items like basalt have damage numbers on their id.

So it an item has an id of X and there are 5 different types of the item you would enter it like this.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You can dump the id's for it but that will only get you so far. You'll have to do some major editing to the dump file before you can paste it into the config file.

I don't know if the nei dump file shows damage numbers for the different colors and stuff though.
I was going to do the same thing until I saw how much work it was going to be and just ended up adding a few things to a couple of different packs.

Probably best to just go into nei and enable id's and enter stuff by hand.

just remember that different colored items and some items like basalt have damage numbers on their id.

So it an item has an id of X and there are 5 different types of the item you would enter it like this.


Yeah I tried something like that. Wanted to make it pick up books and the such when I was off raiding a lichs home for books.

never got it to work though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Here is one of the Backpacks I edited that works perfectly fine.

# add blocks and items for the builder's backpack here in the format id:meta. separate blocks and items using ';'

If you still can't get it to work, try WordPad. All I did was open the conf file with WordPad, put in those id's as shown above and clicked Save. Restarted the game and it worked perfectly.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This all seems like an annoyingly large amount of work. I was planning on using the backpack for tons of random different things, like when i'm setting up my oil rig and i have TONS of components. I'll probably just do it without the extra space. Thanks anyway!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, backpacks are only for specific usages, there are other bags for you to put anything you want. (canva bag, ender pouch)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, backpacks are only for specific usages, there are other bags for you to put anything you want. (canva bag, ender pouch)

The adventures backpack was made specifically to be 100% edited in.
By default it holds nothing.
The problem is the OP wants to add every item in the game in, which is more work than most people want to do.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The idea behind Forestry's backpacks is that they sort the items into themselves so you don't have to guess where your items went. If you configured the Adventurer's Backpack to hold everything you would then have the problem where items would go in it instead of the other backpacks and vice versa. There is no overlapping of items by design. You can configure Adventurer's Backpack to hold stuff you often keep with you and it doesn't go into other backpacks.