Hello Everyone:
FTB Launcher version (if this isn't the newest update update and try again):
Minecraft Version:
Regarding to Mindcrack V8
Java version:
Severall Versions including 32bit / 64bit Versions of Java 6 and 7
We installed different Versions that were working with any members of our community f.e. Java 6
(Build 1.6.0_31-b05) and other more recent Versions.
Detailed description of the issue / how can the issue be recreated:
Ok so that's the Problem: Player is logging into our Server. He stays Chunks begin loading all looks fine.
Normal building up of World on Display etc. etc. after about 5 or 10 seconds he suddenly crashes.
Console errorlog is attached.
So we did the following steps:
- Reinstallation of course... multiple times.
- Tryied several Java versions
- Another Player uses his Logininformations on our Server -> everything works fine
- Original player uses other PC!!! not working!
- Buys new Router -> Still no Success
- ISP Checks connection found packet loss, repaired -> Still same problem
- We start an old Backup of our Server... mindcrack V6 Works fine!!! Other Mindcrack V8 Servers are working fine too
- Problem starts with Mindcrack V7
- We cleared/deleted some files we found which seem to be related to that player on the server (we could have overseen smthg.)
- Google wasn't helpfull after all :/
- Coffee empty too now so please help!
Error logs:
The Error does not produce a Crashlog every time. So this might not be related to the occured problem:
http://pastebin.com/FqkBQqRT This one is the newest one which was created within the crashlog folder.
This one is from Console: