Automation of sodium persulfate cells

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Leo Sainio

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How to automate production of sodium persulfate cells in chemical reactor with applied energistics?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First of all, if you don't know the basics of Applied Energistics, look at the wiki.

In my world I would probably create a crafting pattern for each step, starting from clay, sulfur, and empty cells.

For the final step, due to its slowness, I would probably create a subnetwork to export the sodium sulfide cell and air cells to a line of chemical reactors, which would then have the product pulled by the main network. I could then either tell the network to craft the cells, or tell an export bus to export into a grinder, and the system would then automatically craft the cells.

If you have logistics pipes, you can use that to make the subnetwork instead of making an AE subnetwork. Put the crafting pattern for the last step in an interface next to a chest, and connect your logistics pipes subnetwork to the same chest (use a provider pipe on the chest). Then, place a supplier pipe next to each chemical reactor, and tell the pipe to supply two sodium sulfide cells and three air cells, and do not allow partial requests. Now, you won't have the items for one reaction scattered amongst all your reactors unless Logistics Pipes messes up.

If you have Thaumcraft, you can replace the logistics pipes with clay golems. However, they might still end up putting your air cells and sodium sulfide cells in different reactors since their speed is finite and they do not coordinate their actions.

If you are still in 1.4.7, RP2 might have a solution. One example is to make a sorting machine, set up all 9 columns with the ingredients for one reaction, and set to different colours. Then, paint the tubes going into your reactors with those colours. This way, you can run up to 9 reactors at once without having leftover items.

Turtles from ComputerCraft can obviously do the sorting for you if you have them and can code.

Gregtech has a bunch of item sorting machines for automation as well, but I haven't used any of them yet so I do not know how well those would work.

It would be nice if Greg made multiblock versions of most of his currently single-block processing machines (centrifuge, chemical reactor, and maybe electrolyser too). That way you could have, say, 27 chemical reactors as a single machine that runs many times faster but doesn't need many times more energy per process like overclocking does. These would obviously be high-end and probably need EV due to power requirements.

If you have a crapton of EU, go ahead and overclock a single reactor for the last step.

Leo Sainio

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for the brilliant answer, respect to you!
I think that i'll go RP2 path as i'm playing FTB Ultimate i don't have logistic pipes and i don't know much about Thaumcraft. With the multiblock structure, i totally agree with you, i constantly have to expand my machine room because chemical reactors are so sloooooow. I'm pretty familiar with AE and it would nice if he/she would add export bus + ME interface like thingie that doesn't put all of that specific item inside the reactor.


Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
If you're using the latest version of Ultimate, you can add overclockers to the GT machines, but they're Greg's versions. I'm not entirely sure how they differ from the normal ones, since I went back to the previous version of it.

They do typically output to the rear of the machine, so you can have them pumping items out into ME interfaces. If you want a constant supply, use Export busses in redstone controlled mode, with level emitters so it'll maintain a supply for you to work with, and only make more when you use them.