Automation Inc. | Feed The Beast | Whitelist | PVE | Mature 18+

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
  • Minecraft user name: Aisteraina
  • Age: 20
  • Past experience: I've played since very early Beta, played modpacks such as Tekkit, Technic, H&S etc, admin / modded a few servers. Played FTB since its "official release".
  • Reasons why you want to join: Looking for a friendly and mature community that also has a whitelisted server, that and joining with my friends who have already applied. :)
  • Minecraft user name: LogicJB
  • Age: 26
  • Past experience: I'm running a whitelisted Vanilla Server for some friends with the same principles as above.
  • Reasons why you want to join: I'm looking for a great and mature community to play FTB.
Best wishes!
  • Minecraft user name: agent00tai
  • Age: 20
  • Past experience: I started playing Minecraft back in the Alpha times and have been playing it on and off from there, I ofc played with a few mods and also a while with the Tekkit Modpack, but FTB is what I wanna try out for some time now ;)
  • Reasons why you want to join: I would like to be on a FTB server with awesome people on it
Past experience: i played some tekkit noting to fancy
reason why i want to join: becaus i realy like playing ftb and i want to get more into it on a good server
  • Minecraft user name: Lady_Ceres
  • Age: 30
  • Past experience: I have played tekkit for a while now so I am familiar with most of the mods.
  • Reasons why you want to join: So rare to find an 18+ server, would be nice to be around people in my actual age range.
  • Minecraft user name: Feenrus
  • Age: 19
  • Past experience: About 2 years of minecraft and mods
  • Reasons why you want to join: Really want to play with nice people :D
  • Minecraft user name: Wongger
  • Age: 22
  • Past experience: Minecraft since alpha, been playing with tekkit for awhile now. Just recently switched to FtB
  • Reasons why you want to join: Want to play with mature players who are helpful and friendly. Also, singleplayer starts to get rather boring.
  • Minecraft user name: Drobac
  • Age: 21
  • Past experience: a year of minecraft and 10 months of modded play
  • Reasons why you want to join: Same as everyone else, looking for a decent server to play on that isnt always plaqued with lag and silly people
Username: Trunksbrad23
Age: 19
Past Experience: Been playing since Beta, Played on a few different servers, played a lot of industrial and build craft in the past not much feed the beast though.
Reasons I want to join: Playing on my own gets boring. I want to play with others in an enjoyable environment!
  • Minecraft user name: altalt667
  • Age: 18
  • Past experience: Played Minecraft since very early alpha. Played several of the mods in the pack for a long time (EE and BC). Played on several whitelisted vanilla servers.
  • Reasons why you want to join: There is so much to do on feed the beast and its perfect for a good community.
  • Minecraft user name: wolfe02
  • Age: 24
  • Past experience: Good with mods and building
  • Reasons why you want to join: looking for a good server and just to lonely on ssp

All have been white listed, as for the others I need to close applications for a bit to see how it all pans out. Your applications will be keep in mind.
Hi Codec, my IGN is Boomflex, I am 24 and looking for a server to record Multi-player footage for my YT channel ( I have been using FTB for about a week, but Minecraft since ALPHA.

I feel I have answered all questions adequately, and I know you have "closed" applications, it would be awfully nice to hear from you via PM upon the outcome of your decision!
If you open your whitelist back up I'd love to join.
  • Minecraft user name: War_kittens
  • Age: 37
  • Past experience: Modded on a vanilla server and a Better Than Wolves server. Some FTB experience, mostly SSP.
  • Reasons why you want to join: I'm looking for a server with a great community feel and a mature atmosphere where I can play without worrying about griefing or drama. Your setup is great! It is hard to find a server where people really are into that community feel.
  • Minecraft user name: Killerkeith
  • Age: 18
  • Past experience: I've played Minecraft since Alpha. I've always been a more technical player then aesthetic player. So, I'm very good with redstone and I'm slowly learning much more about CC.
  • Reasons why you want to join: I can't stand playing Minecraft by myself. I'd much rather play with other players and at least have a few people to talk to or look at what they're building.
  • Hopefully I can see you on the server!
Minecraft user name: Decessus
Age: 23
Past experience: I've been playing Minecraft for a long-long time. Indev, I believe. And I've played Tekkit quite a bit, to the point where I have some confidence in what I am doing, which applies somewhat to Feed The Beast. However, I don't feel like I am a professional or know all the tips and tricks of the trade, I still learn things here and there, even in vanilla Minecraft every one in a while.
Reasons why you want to join: My friend an myself have been looking for a server to play on that's not just him and I. Also, I like the idea of being on a server with a few people who enjoy the game, and are mature. Who aren't in it to ruin other people's day by being rude, griefers, and what have you.

Anyways, I know this is a late application and you've closed the polls, but your are keeping an open mind. Which is why I posted. Thanks.

  • Name: flupzing

  • Age: 19

      • I have owned a whitelisted private server for a few years, recently changed it to FTB. Interested in LPing, I have the video production background. I also follow the top LPers pretty religiously

  • I'm looking for a community beyond what my private, friends+family server can provide. I'm a builder at heart, and I especially like infrastructure and city planning in MC- so streets, bridges, tunnels, etc.
  • Minecraft user name: brady4ever259
  • Age: 15
  • Past experience: Minecraft since early beta. Played with tech mods for some time. Direwolf20 fan :D
  • Reasons why you want to join: I want a server to play FTB. For some reason I just cant play single-player,I need people to play with!
  • Minecraft user name: Ehblehblehbleh
  • Age: 18
  • Past experience:Lots of tekkit and been on minecraft since 1.2 Beta (before beds and climbing spiders)
  • Reasons why you want to join: Because I would love to play with on a server devoid of annoying children, getting to know people on the server and having a good community is what i enjoy when playing multiplayer and being able to help others and maybe embark on cool projects sounds really fun.
Minecraft User name: Wrath707
Age: 22
Past Experience: I've played Vanilla MC for around 2 years now but In the past 8 month have gotten heavily into the modded minecraft. I have completed both FTB Maps and have some experience with turtles and Frame Machines.
Reasons I Want to Join: I am looking for a Small but consistent group of people to play and build with. I Love automation and machines and I love teaching and learning from others, as well as discussing the best way to setup/build Machine systems. I will probably have my own area for experimenting but Would like to co-op with others to build Awesome Systems/Programs.

Hope You will consider me.
Note: I will be relativity inactive for the next 2 weeks until finals are over. But after that.... MINECRAFT!