Automation Inc. | Feed The Beast | Whitelist | PVE | Mature 18+

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Applications are closed for now.
This may change in the future so keep an eye out.​

1-9-2013: Small config change. Only change was to GregTech.cfg, forgot to change the stack size of upgrades back to normal. The new GregTech.cfg is up on TS or the whole pack of configs here-

Here at Automation Inc. we are looking for mature players that want to play FTB to the fullest. Ranging from new to the pack to ex CASUC engineers, all are welcome. What I'm aiming for on this server is a smaller group of people that can get to know each other without having to put limits on what they build. I know that last part can never be true in an SMP environment but that's what I strive for.

Rules for the server:
  • Use common sense, if it feels wrong then it likely is.
  • No stealing.
  • No PVP.
  • I wont put hard limits on your builds, all I ask is be sensible.
  • Able to install config files and possibly mods.
Facts about the server:
  • This is a dedicated server hosted by creeperhost in Atlanta. Its using the "Skeleton" plan.
  • Recipes that Gregtech changes about ic2 have been disabled. Also its iridium ore generation has been disabled.
  • Mystcrafts age instability has been disabled, but also dense ores and accelerated symbols.
  • Mob griefing disabled.
  • Difficulty level is normal.
  • There is a TS3 server at for the server. It however is not dedicated, but maybe if there's a need for it.
  • All mini-map options enabled (IE cave map).
  • Server IP:
  • Latest config files:
When applying to be added to the white list make sure to add:
  • Minecraft user name:
  • Age:
  • Past experience:
  • Reasons why you want to join:
Like the server? Then donate if you can to help the server stay alive!
  • Minecraft user name: panaplo123
  • Age: 23
  • Past experience: i play more and more server and i like playing servers with good people!
  • Reasons why you want to join: Because i want to play FTB
  • Minecraft user name: SlaskoCZ
  • Age: 18
  • Past experience: i played tekkit/technic mod pack. with mods i started play sience 1.8.1
  • Reasons why you want to join: I played on server but lots of griefers and if they stealed all my staff i need find another server with better comunity.
Minecraft user name: DieHarlequin
Age: 20
Past experience: Bit tekkit, bit vanilla. nothing special, really.
Reasons why you want to join: I know of the porblems a server can ahve, am somewhat reasonable and always open for a talk. Or better said: why not play for the games sake?
Minecraft user name: entourian
Age: 18
Past experience: Server-wise outlandcraft SSP been playing with mods since 1.7.3
Reasons why you want to join: Because SSP can get boring sometimes and community builds are always awesome
IGN: Kemintiri
Age: 39
Experience: Minecraft since beta, some FTB
Reasons to join: Got bored with singe player and The first FTB server I joined lags me like crazy. Also I like that you have Gregtech recipe changes turned off :P
All white-listed. Hope to see you in game! Just make sure to instal the configs or you will crash when you find ic2 ores.
  • Minecraft user name: Enigma1256
  • Age: 25
  • Past experience: Minecraft since beta, Tekkit untill a few months back and FTB
  • Reasons why you want to join: I'd love to be on a server where I can build wonderous machines and buildings and help other people understand the more difficult parts of FTB like bees etc :)
user name: Masprotech
Age: 32
Past experience: Tekkit running my own pretty popular tekkit server
Reasons why you want to join: Im tired of playing tekkit and tired of dealing with immature kids
Minecraft name: gaangster1
Age: 18
past experience: vanilla since alpha, have play ftb since first beta
reasons why you want to join : i really want to learn more about the mods and i like to play with other ppl
  • Minecraft user name: UrbanRedneck
  • Age: 41
  • Past experience: Ran and managed a multi-mod 2.2X server for about 15 kids no mod pack but used IC2 BC, RailCraft and other worthy mods
  • Reasons why you want to join: looking to play some FTB to learn about the new mods and make some cool contraptions
  • Minecraft user name: Recer75
  • Age: 20
  • Past experience: I have played Minecraft sins the early Alfa and have hosted many different servers. ( Clasic, Vanila, Hmod, Bukkit, Tekkit ). I still Run the Tekkit server.
  • Reasons why you want to join: I want to join in hop to find a server there i can build and explore all the new possibilities to the FTB pack.
  • Minecraft user name: marc12868
  • Age: 19
  • Past experience: Playing minecraft since beta 1.6ish, not a whole lot of experience with feed the beast all though I have used industrialcraft in the past
  • Reasons why you want to join: looking for a whitelisted server with people that I can hope to become friends with.
  • Minecraft user name: Ferb18
  • Age: 21
  • Past experience: I'm playing Minecraft since Alpha, Tekkit since 1.8 (started with AMCO) and continued to FTB when it came out. I'm good at IC and RP (sadface).
  • Reasons why you want to join: Actually wanted to add something custom here, but same reasons as above post, so yeah.
All whitlisted! Whitelisting from here on out is going to be a bit more strict as I don't want to get too many people on the server. Going to see how it all unfolds from here.
Ingame Name: kiloran7
Age: 20
Past Experience: I have played minecraft for a very long time was on tekkit for a long time recently got into FTB ive played on a few servers with it.
Reason i want to join: I am looking for a friendly community to build in and grow in with my group of friends who are planning to apply also. I enjoy the modpack and would like to try your server out if i may.
Minecraft user name: Galefrozt
Age: 25
Past experience: I've played on a few different servers, both vanilla and FtB. I am fairly decent with the mods FtB brings, and if there is something I am not sure of, I tend to test in a seperate world (better to explode a testing site than your own home.)
Reasons why you want to join: I have been hunting around for a decent whitelist server, with a decent community of people who can get along well with each other.
Minecraft IGN: Skidryn

Age: 23

Past experience: I've played Minecraft since InfDev and tekkit for a long time. Feed the beast is more recent, but I am running a small 2-person server for it for a couple of weeks now. Lots of fun.

Reasons why you want to join: To play with more people than my one friend. I think it could be lots of fun.
Minecraft user name: Laxilla
Age: 31
Past Experince: I`ve played minecraft since around alpha. Quickly got into mods and have been trying to match different ones ever since :D
Reeasons why i want to join: My singelplayer world is starting to get lonely :P
  • Minecraft user name: Greathos (Greh thos)
  • Age: 29
  • Past experience: I started playing Minecraft earlier this year and love it. I have not been on a Feed the Beast server yet but am very much looking forward to it.
  • Reasons why you want to join: I am interested in playing with mature people that like to bounce ideas around and have a genuinely good time.
Thank you for your consideration.