Automation help -botania

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have been working on automating the pure daisy. Why? ... Why not? I say lol.

I have seen DW20 automate it somewhat in his lets play forge series but I am trying to do it another way. I'm wondering a few things and then there's my specific question.


Has anyone else bothered automating this?
Have you had success?

I have been working on a design but running into some snags. I have it setup so that a level below 8 formation planes output smooth stone. Pistons then push them a level up. Two levels above the pure daisy are 8 annihilation planes to bring the living rock into the ae system. I planned on, once I got this working smoothly, to duplicate the setup on the other side with wood. This having been said. I'm having some issues.

I've tried both Steve's Factory manager (which seemed promising), and (edit) Extra Utilities has an automatic BUD. The idea was when the block updates from stone to livingrock that the update would cause a redstone pulse to be sent down the line and the pistons would then fire pushing up the next row of smooth stone. The problem I'm running into is that the pistons turn on and they stay on, they don't retract or with the case of the BUD, it flickers. The piston pushing up and back down, itself updates the bud lol.


btw part of why I like this idea is it's ascetically nice. Where as I didn't personally care for the aesthetics of DW's setup. Of course he probably would have done it differently but he's trying to automate botania using only botania.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2013

This is Ako_the_builder's version.
I placed this 4 blocks into the ground with a piece of glass over the pure daisy and the 2 barrels only showing a the surface. Set it up so the 2 completed barrels flank my altar and a short crafting table. Looks quite nice and compact.


Jul 28, 2013
I wouldn't even mess about with BUD switching your pistons. I'd just set them to go off on a short-ish timer and put obsidian above the space you want them to push the smooth stone into.

That way they'll even pre-load the next lot and then shove it up into place as soon as the annihilation planes clear a space.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I will say Someone Else 37 that is really awesome. The "redstone" timer is ingenious. I'll play with this when I get home. I don't know if it will suite my needs but I will see.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you were trying to do it solely with AE, you could have the formation planes placing the stone directly next to the daisy. Have the annihilation planes set up so the stone is placed next to them, and have them on a subnet that can only "store" Livingrock (configured storage bus onto an interface). The annihilation planes won't break it until it turns to Livingrock.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'll make a mock up of the aestetics when I get home, I know of a few ways to just "get it done" and granted SE 37's way is great! but again don't know if it will work in my base design.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok I finally did it!!!!!! It was a little weird getting it to work and the few redstone things I tried didn't really help. In the end Steve's Factory Manager came through like a boss!


This vaguely the aesthetics I was looking for.


This is just the basic stuff I used to get it working in creative - obviously in the regular survival I would use a subnet to keep my stone/cobble separate.


This is the top, 8 annihilation planes over the pillar.


Here are the formation planes. I had to split them into two different lines to speed up the placement enough to keep up with the piston count.


Here's Steve's Factory manager. I had the redstone emitter, a block gate, and the manager with some cable.

Instead of a timer etc. I used a conditional on the block gate to detect living rock. If it is there then the redstone gets emitted. Smaller footprint than some but will fit nicely in my "secret laboratory" theme I'm planning.