Automated XP farm without Open Blocks, possible?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi! I've been searching around the web actively since yesterday but haven't found a tutorial that'd work for me. I'm sorry if there's already a post like this here but I haven't found one so I'll ask for your indulgence.

I've been trying to add open blocks to my server but it always ends up not being able to start up (the server). Yes, I've agreed to the EULA. So my question is, how can I make an automated xp farm without it? I got the FTB Lite 3 with additional mods of my choice. Here are a few mods from my server that might have anything to do with what I'm asking:

Thermal Foundation (+expansion & dynamics)
Ender IO
MineFactory Reloaded
Applied Energistics
Thaumic Energistics
Tinkers' construct
Extra Utilities

Does anyone have any idea how I can make a working XP farm out of this? I can't use the Vacuum hopper (from open blocks) so is there a substitute among these mods?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Do you have open mods lib too?
And ender io experienc obelisk Together with extra Utilities Spikes Gold or Diamond


Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
Why would you want to get XP out of it if you have MFR? Mob essence it and use Auto-Enchanter.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for the reply guys!

I've been trying to go with Essence Berry bushes. So far I've managed to make a (slow-giong) XP farm out of MFRs' Harvester and a vacuum chest from Ender IO (I think). So I've managed to have it automated to the point that I get essence berries delivered into a chest. It's okay but I would like to speed it up. I only have 2 bushes so far. Still have to find more but it's not an easy task. Also I would like to have the XP converted so that I can have it in the Ender IO Experience Obelisk.

Extra Utilities spikes gold or diamond? Haven't tried those. What do they do?

Thaumcraft is a mod I'm really looking forward to exploring. Brain in a jar? Sounds pretty sweet. How does it work? And what more should I do except for putting a brain in a bottle? The sewer-system one I've been thinking about trying. Maybe I'll make a mob-grinder aswell so that I can try out adding sewers there, while sticking to something similar as I have right now for the berry bushes.

I've never used ComputerCraft, only tried it. I've never done Lua though. But is CC something you recommend? Tell mer more about it!

Immibis Liquid XP? Does it work with the aforementioned mods? Thanks! I'll look it up.

A slimefarm? Never even thought about it. How effective is this?

I'd like to have essence out of it because I've also got the Advanced Enchanting mod. The Auto-enchanter is limited to 40 lvls / enchanting. I can go much higher with Advanced Enchanting table. Also I have no idea if the enchanting is random with the auto-enchanter or not.

Thanks for the replies, guys!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2014
There are ways to automate mob killing to get XP. As mentioned above you can use Computer Craft melee turtles and Extra Utilities Gold/Diamond spikes. Also there is the option of Ender Io's Killer Joe, Draconic Evolutions mob grinder. Using these methods and a vacuum hopper, you can automatically store the XP in the Ender IO experience obelisk
Extra Utilities spikes gold or diamond? Haven't tried those. What do they do?
Basically, the deal damage to mobs, animals and even players. Even to the point of killing them. The mobs drop their loot and XP as if a player did the killing. Items do not get destroyed.
There are ways to automate mob killing to get XP.
Thaumcraft is a mod I'm really looking forward to exploring. Brain in a jar? Sounds pretty sweet. How does it work?
Brain-in-a-jar is much like the Ender IO experience obelisk in that it stores XP, but when I last read the wiki on it, can store a maximum of 2,000 xp. tap the jar to get the xp.
I've never used ComputerCraft, only tried it. I've never done Lua though. But is CC something you recommend? Tell mer more about it!
Back in the days before we had dedicated mob grinders like we do now, Computercraft was the way to go with their melee turtles. Just place a melee turtle facing where the mobs will end up and use any turtle attack script that can be found on the computercraft forums. Drops xp and mob loot as if killed by player.
A slimefarm? Never even thought about it. How effective is this?
The slime farm idea mentioned in an earlier post is just your basic run of the mill mob farm but it takes advantage of the slimes breaking up when a larget slime is killed. Just capture a large slime (or an imbiggened giant slime) in a safari net and place into the MFR auto spawner set to "Exact Copy" and using the MFR grinder to kill them will get you a net gain in mob essence (and slimeballs).
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Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
Scripts heck.

while true do

Put that in exactly and it should constantly attack forward. Name the program startup and it'll kick back on as soon as it loads.
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