Does anyone have any specific excamples of the Misc Perph crafting table code? I saw the small blip in the minecraft forum post but it would be helpful to have another example.
If you are talking about the code specific to the CCCrafter, sure:
setPattern(...): Uses item ID's to define the recipe for the item it is creating. nil is used as a 'blank' slot. Goes left to right, top to bottom.
craft(slot): Makes the items with the materials at hand, and puts the item into (slot).
list(): Tells you what items are in what slots
get(slot): Tells you what item (if any), and how many of that item, is in that slot.
Therefore, a simple crafting program would be:
rp.setBundledOutput(to get items for the crafting, it pulses redstone signals to trigger their being sent to the CCCrafter)
-- basically, makes the crafting recipe
-- makes the item, and puts it in the final item slot
rp.setBundledOutput(to get the finished product out, possibly pulsing a transposer on the CCCrafter to pull it out)
setPattern(nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,)
--clears the recipe for the next use
The first line could be quite complicated, or it could simply be a turtle fetching the items required.