Autocrafting with multiple recipes in AE


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there a good way to do this? More specifically, there are two ways to get Yellorium Dust. Either by crafting with sulfur and tin dust or by pulverizing Yellorium Ore. Is there a good way to get a AE system to use both? When I tired it would first start by crafting the dusts with sulfur and then get stuck if it runs out, even if there is Yellorium ore left.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yep, My AE system uas an export bus that feeds any yellorium ore automatically into my ore processing system (a pulverizer and furnace setup to pulverize all ores sent to it, and smelt any produced dusts) So what gets stored in AE is just the ingots. If the ingots run out (never going to happen the mining laser is producing way more yellorium than my reactor is using even with just a single yellow filter) then it falls back to an on demand crafting recipe.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is one reason why I switch to induction smelters ASAP for ore processing, its one less thing to worry about (no dust). You can always make the ingots into dust if you need it for something.