It's probably me being stupid again but I'm trying something simple with an autarchic gate and it isn't working
I got an Iron gate on a peat bog, that's emitting a red pipe wire signal to my autarchic gate. I've set that one up to start pulsing when it receives a redstone signal. And it does exactly nothing
It's not detecting the incoming red pipe wire signal. I tried replacing the gates, but it didn't work. Am I being stupid, or is this supposed to work?
It's probably me being stupid again but I'm trying something simple with an autarchic gate and it isn't working
I got an Iron gate on a peat bog, that's emitting a red pipe wire signal to my autarchic gate. I've set that one up to start pulsing when it receives a redstone signal. And it does exactly nothing
It's not detecting the incoming red pipe wire signal. I tried replacing the gates, but it didn't work. Am I being stupid, or is this supposed to work?