Assist with an Ender chest resuply and loot sorter.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I've been poking around in creative trying to come up with a way to use an ender chest and bag as a sort of on the go loot sorter that I can dump stuff into and have it sorted back at base. While doing this I figured I could also set up a way to always have some tools in the bag freeing up a need to carry extra gear. Below is the basic idea that I want to refine but my knowledge of these mods is vary noobish. I have only be playing modded MC since the release of the Mindcrack pack (thank you Etho for getting me addicted to FTB). So any suggestions on how I can make this work better or make the build smaller?

This is a prototype (see screen shots) so it its not hooked up to a sorting system just an output chest there on the left in the first screen shot. Also this prototype just makes three supply items (pickax, shovel, ax) but could be expanded. There in at the top of the screen in the first shot is the crafting group. An auto crafting table is linked to an output chest by one wooden pipe with an Autarchic Iron OR Gate that is set to pulse when the chest is empty this makes sure that there is always at least one item in the chest. The chests are linked back to the Ender chest via pipes, pipe wire, and also have Autarchic Iron OR Gates on them set to pulse when they get a pipe wire signal. Down at the ender chest there is a manager set to push everything but one of each tool out. On its side is a redstone torch so that manger is happy with its tool supply the torch is off. Next to that is a pulse former that is next to another Autarchic Iron OR Gate set to send a pipe wire signal when it gets a redstone signal. Out from the manger is an item detector set to look for tools that over flow out of the manger. It has a pulse former next to it and that links into two 4tick relays and that into a filter next to the output chest. next to the filter is a glass cover box and under it an obsidan pipe that links back into the tool chests over the crafting tables. In line where all these pipes is a diamond pipe set to only let the right tool back to its original chest and the output down just has a bogus item in it to keep anything from going back towards the filter.

Ok so what happens. When you put anything in the ender chest it goes past the filter and to the output chest (which will go to sorting later). If you pull any of the tools out the manager's redstone goes out sending a pulse that makes one of every tool head into the ender chest. The duplicates of the tool you did not take out get pushed out by the manager and the item detector tells the filter to spit them out where the loop back into there original chests so nothing is lost or wasted.

EnderSupply1 by Saice, on Flickr

EnderSupply2 by Saice, on Flickr

EnderSupply3 by Saice, on Flickr


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And my learning of Redpower goes on.... Ok so update on this thing. Swapped out the detection thing for just an Item sorter. It just sends dup tools down a colored tube to an ejector on a timer and everything else to a different color tube and up to the storage sorting room where sorters push things to preset chests and barrels. Did this because the filter needed a chest to work with and that added a unwanted stopping point before sorting. Also this trimmed redstone off the build to just a torch, pulse former, and the timer which I think it a better deal.

EnderSupplyUpdate1 by Saice, on Flickr