A'sky CRASH /give "item"

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Title A'sky CRASH /give "item"

Launcher Type Curse App

Modpack Agrarian Sky 2

Modpack version 1.1.14

Have you modified the pack? No

Link to log file http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/d015250e

Details of the issue Hello there, first of all, I'd like to say than I'm not to used forums, I do when I'm kinda frustrated, and lost...

So, my problem happened, when I used cheat, I gave me some blocks (Seared Bricks, from Tinker's Construct), and my game Crashed, now, it always crash when I try to load map.

I think than I understand where the problem is from " Rendering Blabla..." So, my 20 blocks made Rendering crash. ( my english is rough )

How could I fix this, my map was cool, wasted a lot of hours on it, and it's not the first time it happen to me, but, so I could solve it again !!

Thank you for you attention.

Have a nice day

Henry Link

Forum Addict
Dec 23, 2012
USA - East Coast
Well since the crash is related to the TiC and you gave yourself the bricks, I would try to rename your player.dat file. Should be in the save folder for the game under playerdata. If that works and game loads it means that your player file has an issue with the blocks you gave your self. If you really want to try and recover your player file you could try an NBT editor (I use NBTExplorer) to edit the file.


Wow, sounds difficult, but I'll do it, thanks a lot, I come later :)


Problem come from here:

Item Type: tconstruct.smeltery.itemblocks.SmelteryItemBlock@2798824
Item Aux: 16
Item NBT: null
Item Foil: false

Tryign to delete it on files, but where is this one haha, it's like a Maze ( using NBT Explorer )


forgot somethings, AS do backup auto all 30min, problem solved, I mean, there is no problem :)
Thank you