Ars Magica 2. Some questions regarding battlemage armor

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello guys. I can't seem to find much information on the topic so I figured I would ask here.

I have a few questions regarding the battle mage armor. and a few spells.

My first question is what should I enchant battlemage armor with? I seem to take no damage but I don't like that the armor can break seemingly easily. I was wondering if "unbreakable" works with the armor. or if other enchants would help the armor take less damage.

My other question is regarding spell combinations.
I'm currently using mana shield + shield + duration duration duration but maybe there's a better way to go about it?

would a contingency damage | self | mana shield | shield | life tap | heal | duration x3 heal my mana as I take damage? and have mana shield?

Maybe you guys can fill me in on these things. I appreciate any advice or all help I can get.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Battle Mage armor, like Mage Robes(and any armor in AM2 AFAIK) use the infusion system to keep them tough. I can't recall what mage level you should be before really using Battlemage armor to allow your mana to regen and not fully sink into the suit. That said, I wouldn't suggest adding unbreaking or the like. Add defensive enchantments, or if you have Thaumic Tinkerer, some of it's special armor enchantments might help.

Now then, as for that spell, I seriously have no idea what you think it'd do. Looks to me that it would go off when you take damage, add a mana shield effect(does that protect against magic? IIRC it does), chained to the shield effect(thus making it a defense against magic and not normal defense), then it takes some life to give you mana(IIRC Life Tap does that), then heals you and the whole spell lasts 3 times as long as it would.
It would trigger a healing effect and a life tap, and have a magic shield that lasts 3 times as long as normal, and it triggers when you get hit.

That said, if Mana Shield is the silver tier defensive effect and not a lower tier one, using it on yourself is kidna silly.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thaumic is in the modpack. The reason I'm not doing infusion of spells into the armor was I heard it could crash the game so I didn't want that to be an issue, but I don't know if it's true.

The spell was an idea. I'm not completely sure how the spells work. but I have a mana regen spell that's life drain? or life tap? I don't remember x.x but I'm curious if something like regeneration for health that's also regeneration for mana. I know I take damage from the mana regen spell but the normal cast is more than I take in damage so I think it would regain my mana while mana sheild is up making it more effective.

I'm level 84 with 55,000 ish mana right now and I'm just trying to find ways to make the mana pool last longer while I'm taking damage.

self + mana shiled + shield + life drain(?) + regeneration. I'm wondering what would give me a mana regen effect that would damage me.

And if the infusion of spells into armor won't crash my game. how do I even do that. and what would be suggested spells to infuse my armor with so it doesn't break so damned easily.

Much appreciated ^_^


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The thing is Life Tap, IIRC, harms the target to give you life. It doesn't last beyond 1 tick.

And you can't really add spells to your armor, but the Infusion system is what it's called, armor from AM2 is repaired from your mana pool, which can offset the low durability. Your main defense in the end should be agility, aka not being hit.

If you want really tough armor that doesn't take damage, you have better choices then the Battle Mage Armor. I could suggest a few great armors and what mods they are from, and tell you what they are great at, but somehow I think that @Padfoote could explain Bound Armor better then I could, and that @SatanicSanta can explain the Witchery Armor and the benefits of the Ent Belt, as well as the other parts.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The thing is Life Tap, IIRC, harms the target to give you life. It doesn't last beyond 1 tick.

And you can't really add spells to your armor, but the Infusion system is what it's called, armor from AM2 is repaired from your mana pool, which can offset the low durability. Your main defense in the end should be agility, aka not being hit.

If you want really tough armor that doesn't take damage, you have better choices then the Battle Mage Armor. I could suggest a few great armors and what mods they are from, and tell you what they are great at, but somehow I think that @Padfoote could explain Bound Armor better then I could, and that @SatanicSanta can explain the Witchery Armor and the benefits of the Ent Belt, as well as the other parts.
pfft. I'm lazy. Does it count as explaining if I wrote the pages that I am linking? :p

There are more, but these are the strongest:
I'm not sure if this is actually relevant to this thread, but eh, whatever. shameless self plug.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm quite alright at hearing about the bound armor as an alternative.

The reason I'm using Battle Mage armor and not quantom or blood magic armor right now is that the battlemage protects against raipers. I enjoy armor peircing things not going throough this battle mage armor and Earth guardian armor. I should have mentioned that before :)


Forum Ghost
Third Party Pack Team
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Mar 11, 2014
How about Thaumic Tinker's Ichorium Robes? They're unbreakable plus as strong as diamond armor when together (Not sure if armor piercing damage goes through). And thier awakened form also have their special buffs. They're a bit expensive and dangerous though, you would want to stabilize your infusion atlar before making them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was looking into thaumic enchants and ashes seems very helpful. When an item breaks it loses it's enchantments but regains fully. that will prevent my armor from being destroyed so easily. and I can always reenchant easy enough.

The reason I'm liking the earth armor and battle mage stuff is I take seemingly no damage. nothing hurts me until the armor is broken and that's awesome