Are Strongholds more common or am I just lucky...

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So this is my first modpack (loving it so far), I built my house, and started making a mine under it. Now I found some mossy/cracked stone bricks and found my house was on a stronghold! Now before I feel lucky I also have an annoying feeling one of the mods may make strongholds more common. Does anyone know whether this is the case or I am just EXTREMELY lucky.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
as far as i know, you only get 3 per world in unless you have a mystcraft age with strongholds, consider yourself lucky. did you find an end portal?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No end portal found yet, and mystcraft seems so complicated (wish the Wiki was easier to understand).
Still looking for that portal!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
mystcraft isn't too bad really, but i agree that the wiki is a little confusing. if in doubt, watch direwolf's spotlight:

you might not find much use for mystcraft in ssp, but is vital in smp...especially the portals, used for transporting infinite lava from the nether ;)...many other uses too.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
as far as i know, you only get 3 per world in unless you have a mystcraft age with strongholds, consider yourself lucky

^ This, strongholds spawn in an equilateral triangle on a ring around 0,0 (assuming my info is up to date). I think the ring is between 500-1100 on the axis. Honestly if you keep this in mind it's quite easy to find strongholds anyway ^_^, I can usually find them in <5 pearls by just finding a possible coordinate and working my way from there.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
^ This, strongholds spawn in an equilateral triangle on a ring around 0,0 (assuming my info is up to date). I think the ring is between 500-1100 on the axis. Honestly if you keep this in mind it's quite easy to find strongholds anyway ^_^, I can usually find them in <5 pearls by just finding a possible coordinate and working my way from there.

so, if i understand what you're saying....go to 0,0...head north for at least 500 blocks, and throw some ender eyes about? in other words, is the northern most point of the triangle at 0 or can it be off that axis as well?

(re-readng what i just wrote, then that would be too easy, right?...but i get what you're saying...findin 1 would certainly help you find the other 2)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It is pretty much that, if you live close enough to spawn. Imagine a ring where 4 of the inside points are 500, 0; 0, 500; -500, 0; 0, -500 and the outside points are 1100, 0; 0, 1100; -1100, 0; 0, -1100. If you drew a circle from those points, at least some part of all 3 of the strongholds (they can grow out of the area afaik) should be in it, every time. The only exception should be custom built servers or possible mod interference (mystcraft ages f.ex.)

Honestly if you were being thorough you might want to head out 800~ blocks, then throw the eye. 500 works just as good though. It's "easy" but if you are unlucky it could still theoretically take you a few hundred blocks of searching, especially as the eyes are not very accurate sometimes and like to go all over the place.

What this does do is stop you from wasting possibly dozen's of ender eyes if yo uare either inside the ring or outside. If someone comes with new evidence proving this all wrong then disregard it, but last I understood this was how strongholds spawned.

It makes sense in all honesty. A programmer would have to add a limit on where it can spawn to make sure it doesn't spawn 10000's of blocks out, assuming they weren't extremely sadistic (ok I would if I were programming it /admit), but I am not sure as to the validity of the triangle theory first hand as I've never bothered to work it out. A creative server and some maths could prove it in <30 mins work though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've only been playing Minecraft since October and had always just played the Technic Pack as I love Thaumcraft 2 and had never seen a Stronghold. Not even sure if they had Strongholds in 1.2.5 honestly.

Now, on my first Magic World map, I discovered a Stronghold before I even had iron tools.

Evil Hamster

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I used amidst to find all three strongholds in my vanilla world. Unfortunately it doesn't work on modded worlds.

I never paid that close attention to it, but I do think they were all in a roughly equilateral triangle.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was thinking the same thing with spider jockeys. In my two years of playing Minecraft I only found 1 spider jockey, but within a week of playing FTB I found 3 different spider jockeys.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was thinking the same thing with spider jockeys. In my two years of playing Minecraft I only found 1 spider jockey, but within a week of playing FTB I found 3 different spider jockeys.

Huh, opposite is true for me. I've seen 5 jockeys in vanilla since Beta 1.3, never seen one in a modded game. Weird.