Today in my ftb monster world, I was thinking about collecting some oil, as it seems like a thing that I haven't done, so after collecting some oil, I found this machine called the oil fabricator, I made it and hooked it up to its own power supply, which if your wondering is a forestry bio generator with ethanol being used, I have a glass fibre cable connecting to the fabricator and the generator, because conduits were having a problem connecting to the generator, and it produces a tiny bit of oil in exchange for alot of power (mines renewable, so I don't give a shit bout that)
Here's what I want to know, is there a better setup then I have now, and is there a better way of producing mass amounts of oil. (I want to refine it and have at least 5k+ buckets of it stored in a railcraft tank! Post your setups if you have one!!! Thanks!!
Here's what I want to know, is there a better setup then I have now, and is there a better way of producing mass amounts of oil. (I want to refine it and have at least 5k+ buckets of it stored in a railcraft tank! Post your setups if you have one!!! Thanks!!