Applied Energistics system hemorrhaging EU.. this can't be right..

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
so i've got this compact auto-factory built around a 5x5 MAC smashed into the top of a volcano. i'm powering it with both RF/Mj from an oil rig in an ocean oil field age (chunkloaded), input is fine, and is keeping a properly-oriented resonant energy cell bouncing within a couple hundred RF of "full" constantly, and a moderately large EU system just above the factory in the volcano.

because it's smashed into a volcano, it's difficult to get decent pics, but it's not a massively massive system.

the EU generation capabilities include 6 semifluid generators running on overflow from the oil rig, 18 geothermals on nether lava, and two mk1 nukes outputting 420eu/tick each.

here's the controller UI:

as you can see, not a huge system. here's the issue, though. i've taken great pains to ensure that this thing is relatively conservative power wise, i've run much bigger setups and i get way too sick of moving pumps, etc, so i've got the entire factory setup dark cabled, my ender pearl farm dark cabled, i've made certain that when i'm not actively crafting anything, everything involved is isolated from the system.

ok.. the problem. you'll notice that the controller is sucking ~50 eu/tick. this is at idle with everything connected and no current quarry input or anything. that's going to be, let's say, 150 eu. (it's actually sitting right at 132, but spikes and whatnot.. whatever.

without the nukes, i'm outputting (18x20)+(32x6)=552 eu/tic max. again, the EU system running this particular ae is isolated, and runs nothing but this ae. again, it is also hooked to my fuel rig via power relay, which is outputting something like 1440RF, which is in turn fed into this part of my system by 2 tesseracts filling a resonant cell.

without the nukes running, the factory at idle is draining the mfsu on the right like it wasn't even there, with all of the generators running constantly.

what the heck is going on? anyone else have problems like this? i could understand if it was churning out mfsu's or something, but ffs!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ok, so i think i might have discovered a bug. i reset my chunks earlier, and didn't reset all my wireless redstone (THIS IS A HUGE PITA GAAAH FIX IT) .. but that wasn't the issue, the system was still drinking eu. i decided to replace the ME power relay connecting the resonant energy cell to the system and *poof* power consumption is gone.

i have no idea why, but i think all that eu might have been feeding INTO the power relay. derp??


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
See that little tab in the top left of the GUI? Click it until it says EU. You are drawing 53 MJ/t, which is only 5.3 RF. Not sure what the conversion rate is, but it can't be that horrible. A single generator from IC2 should keep it powered at this point. Without more info, it is hard to guess.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
yep, i have, it was running at ~133eu/tic. not a conversion issue. the problem was that relay, right now with the entire system powered (factory and everything) the eu generation isn't running at all. it's running everything off just the RF source.

the generators kick in when it starts crafting complex stuff, and that's exactly what i want it to do =)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
this is definitely a bug, i've had to break that power relay 2 more times tonight to keep it from completely draining my eu production...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Seems like a bug, but have you tried input from other mod energy conduits that arent in experimental? Also have you checked your configs, because there is a setting to increase the cost of operating an AE network.

If this efficiently built, do you have a dark cable to turn off the MAC when you arent trying to craft something, and a smaller MAC specifically for recipes that require constant upkeep for machines and nonAE automation? Perhaps by chance you have cyclic assemblers in place of AE to reduce the upkeep cost of needing said mini MACs?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i don't have room for a second mac, unfortunately, but crafting isn't really the issue, and i can deal with it when it stalls, which is fairly rare. (hv solars.. heh..)

i've got dark cables that completely isolate the storage from the factory, as well as cables that isolate different chunks of my base that are separately controllable from my control room. that's why resetting all my redstone wireless is such a nightmare, most of that stuff is built into the walls etc.

in idle, or if i log off with quarry input, the only thing that is powered is the controller/panels (although they're not necessary, they draw like 3ae in all..) and drives. if there's no quarry input, i shut the whole system down. i rarely have to turn on the nukes, which is good because i don't have them auto-refilling yet.

with some further testing, it seems like the problem has something to do with the proximity of the relay to the controller. initially i had it connected directly to the controller (through a dark cable), and i was having the problem, but now with it on the other side of the MAC (connected indirectly through the MAC) it doesn't appear to be draining EU anymore.

i don't really have any non-ae automation as far as production. when i started on this build i decided i wanted everything in one room, as small as i could make it. it's pretty crazy, i've got a full factory in a 10x10x8 space. hah.. here are some gratuitous screenshots.

^^factory control, this is not used much..

^^mac, DSU's on top, forestry on the ceiling, TE on the left and ic2 on the right..

^^pic from above the drive stack (you can see my eu-splitter and the wireless for the main factory cable at bottom center)...

^^control room and pearl farm. the buttons by the rolling machine control all the circuits.. assy table, farm, nukes, generators, factory, and entire ae system can be turned on/off from here.

it's definitely not a case of normal operation though, i've never seen a mac drain an mfsu like that, it looked like i was charging quantum or something.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So maybe, just maybe, you shouldn't hook your EU system into it directly? Use some way of converting it to another power source and my guess is that this issue will vanish as well.
A fine choice would be a Mek energy cube of some kind hooked up on one side to your IC2 cable of choice and outputting into TE3 RF Cables(sorry, bit dumb currently due to the flu).
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
with some further testing, it seems like the problem has something to do with the proximity of the relay to the controller. initially i had it connected directly to the controller (through a dark cable), and i was having the problem, but now with it on the other side of the MAC (connected indirectly through the MAC) it doesn't appear to be draining EU anymore.

so yeah, it's working now. i think the problem was the direct cable connection to the controller. i'm running the dw20 pack for 1.6, so mekanism is unfortunately not an option =/


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
See that little tab in the top left of the GUI? Click it until it says EU. You are drawing 53 MJ/t, which is only 5.3 RF. Not sure what the conversion rate is, but it can't be that horrible. A single generator from IC2 should keep it powered at this point. Without more info, it is hard to guess.
53 MJ/t is 530 RF/t, you got it reversed. That's about 7 dynamos worth of power.
And looking at the network of the OP that doesn't seem to be too far off. I don't have the numbers of my system, but they shouldn't be more than double (mine draws currently around 100 MJ/t).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
so yeah, it's working now. i think the problem was the direct cable connection to the controller. i'm running the dw20 pack for 1.6, so mekanism is unfortunately not an option =/
Oh it's an option alright, unless you're deeply invested in a SMP server yet can't get the admins to use it.

Plus Direwolf20 is lame now. No offense to the fellow, but he's using pretty much the same mods since when he started doing his LP, except he no longer has a RP2 sorting system.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i'm enjoying it myself. the focus is less on optimization and mechanization with thaum4 and arse2. sure, if you play it like direwolf it gets old, but forgecraft restarts every couple of months, so he's just racing to get back to where he was constantly, it's evident in his youtube series.

i'm the admin, so i'm free to use whatever, but i'm still a ways from wringing out the mod pack. when it gets uninteresting, i'll probably just start a new server with a different mod pack.. but this one has only been up since the dw20 1.6 came out. still stuff to do!

before this i was running tech world 2, which was unfortunately buggy as hell. i spent almost as much time fixing stuff in mcedit as i did building. (the giant high-speed rail system probably didn't help..)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
See that little tab in the top left of the GUI? Click it until it says EU. You are drawing 53 MJ/t, which is only 5.3 RF. Not sure what the conversion rate is, but it can't be that horrible. A single generator from IC2 should keep it powered at this point. Without more info, it is hard to guess.
Umm, no, 53 MJ=530 RF. The conversion rate is 1MJ=10RF


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh it's an option alright, unless you're deeply invested in a SMP server yet can't get the admins to use it.

Plus Direwolf20 is lame now. No offense to the fellow, but he's using pretty much the same mods since when he started doing his LP, except he no longer has a RP2 sorting system.
I would love to see him do a UE letsplay, would be very refreshing. While he is great for learning and entertainment in multiplayer he is only doing a few new mods. Now I wish RI would work


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh, wait, this isn't a bug. ME controllers are more or less infinite energy cells that you can't take out of. It fills to 50000 AE, which is quite a lot IIRC. The problem is when you have an absolutely enormous network so you have to constantly feed it power. This brings you to having dedicated energy cells, or feeding it with a power system that doesn't run on an AC basis.