I'm starting to look into playing around with AE since I think I could so some cool things with it. (make a server room filled with drives for massive storage... but I've got some questions before I start working with it...
1. Is there a way to tell the system that if it has more than a certain amount of any 1 item to do something with it (such as send it to a place that will void pipe it. (I know how to get it to send stuff but I've havent found a way to void just excess stuff without doing it manually.)
2. The wireless access points. is their range vertical as well as horizontal? Basically can I use it even though im much further done than it, but it would be directly over head from when I am.
1. Is there a way to tell the system that if it has more than a certain amount of any 1 item to do something with it (such as send it to a place that will void pipe it. (I know how to get it to send stuff but I've havent found a way to void just excess stuff without doing it manually.)
2. The wireless access points. is their range vertical as well as horizontal? Basically can I use it even though im much further done than it, but it would be directly over head from when I am.