Hey and welcome to our Modpack.
Its called Apocalyps...
16.05.2015 Created a Basic Modlist
The Team
My best friends
and me
~ QuexxyPlays
I hope you like it is interesting for you..
[the idea is not stolen
Its called Apocalyps...
You are on the way back to earth...
Suddenly you wake up in the spaceship. You look around and see the universe and his planetes but not the earth. After a while you hear a loud siren. It was something like a computer alarm. You take your last power to press the red glowing button to open the door. The door opens and you feel something is weird...
Suddenly you wake up in the spaceship. You look around and see the universe and his planetes but not the earth. After a while you hear a loud siren. It was something like a computer alarm. You take your last power to press the red glowing button to open the door. The door opens and you feel something is weird...
~SirSengir, SpaceToad, asiekierka
Chisel 2
~asie, CptSpaceToaster, Drullkus, pokefenn, TheCricket26, tterrag1098, warlordjone
Galacticraft and his Addons (Planets and core)
~Micdoodle8 #http://micdoodle8.com/
Custom NPCs
~Noppes #http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1278956-custom-npcs
~TimbuckTato, Funwayguy, GenDeathrow, thislooksfun
~boq, Lyqyd, Mikeemoo, NeverCast
Applied Energistics 2
~AlgorithmX2, thatsIch
Not Enough Items (+ CodeChickenCore)
Hardcore Quest Mode
~LordDusk, NewcastleGeek, Vswe
Perfect Spawn
~SirSengir, SpaceToad, asiekierka
Chisel 2
~asie, CptSpaceToaster, Drullkus, pokefenn, TheCricket26, tterrag1098, warlordjone
Galacticraft and his Addons (Planets and core)
~Micdoodle8 #http://micdoodle8.com/
Custom NPCs
~Noppes #http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1278956-custom-npcs
~TimbuckTato, Funwayguy, GenDeathrow, thislooksfun
~boq, Lyqyd, Mikeemoo, NeverCast
Applied Energistics 2
~AlgorithmX2, thatsIch
Not Enough Items (+ CodeChickenCore)
Hardcore Quest Mode
~LordDusk, NewcastleGeek, Vswe
Perfect Spawn
16.05.2015 Created a Basic Modlist
The Team
My best friends
and me
~ QuexxyPlays
I hope you like it is interesting for you..
[the idea is not stolen

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