Apiarist chests and sorting

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello all,

So, I've recently built a new sorting house utilizing barrels, with a few diamond chests for overflow. In my previous setup, the overflow chests were usually chock full of rocky bees from my quarries, so for this sorting room I wanted to add an apiarist's chest in as the first overflow.

However, I'm encountering quite the problem...pneumatic tubes are pumping pretty much everything into the apiarist's chest, as though it were just a normal inventory. Is this a known bug? I'm thinking an easy solution is adding a filter in line for the bees, and connect that the apiarist chest.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, it is known that Forestry (based on BC piping system) doesn't play nice at all with RP tubes.

Your best bet for bees is to stick with BC pipes, and send the actual items through a relay to your sorting/processing tubes. You can use an Apiarist pipe to tell all items to go one way and all bees to go an other.

With your system, that would mean that you need BC pipes somewhere in the line, before the chests.

If I were you, I would place 1 apiarist pipe directly on the quarry, connected to the apiarist chest and the relay/enderchest/anything else on the side that send the items.

That's not the prettiest, but the easiest.

An other solution would be to send the items of overflow into a BC pipe somehow (obsidian pipe comes to mind), and do the same as said above, just in a more convenient place.
The problem with this solution is that it causes way more lag than the first.

Or alternatively, as all rocky from the hives are exactly the same, color code them in your sorter, or use a filter for them. I never tested this one solution, but if that works, that might well be the best solution I can offer.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The Bees blocks, and especially the ExtraBees ones are horrible with Redpower, far worse than Forestry blocks in general. Most everything you pump in just disappears into the ether, and don't even return if you break the block.

The only solution is "don't". The secondary solution is "use buildcraft pipes, maybe". FWIW, I have trouble getting gates to work with the extrabees blocks at all and have to restort to silly work arounds like filters pumping into hoppers and starting a timer which finally triggers a redstone engine to pull the item (in this case, a serum) out.