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Well i said screw and made the jump to 1.11.2 , was waiting for immersive engineering but figured might as well do it now. Anyone know if there is any mods like architecture craft for 1.11.2?
Yea thats all im finding, I dont do to good with chisel and bits always put in pack though. I guess this good time for me to learn though till all the 1.12 stuff comes out. Also is it just me or is there a pretty significant performnce increase between 1.10 and 1.11?
Yea just saw it not to long after i posted this, Made me happy camper lol. Yea now im just trying to get all my configs reset . Having probs with my ftb utility config. It just keeps resetting to default everytime i change the rank.json. Also trying to decide if i want to remove any of BOP biomes.