Any (Better) Skybase Building Strategies?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In case it helps, I'm playing a (heavily modified) Direwolf20 pack. Also along with that, I try to use avoid using flight, at least until I make an Angel Ring, although I'll use it if need be.

I like building skybases in my Singleplayer Survival. Because a floating series of buildings in the sky just looks plain awesome. :cool:
In the previous version of DW20, I pillar up used Modular Force Fields to get sort of a template going, and then building out from there.
Unfortunately that mod is gone in 1.7, so I kind of left to come up with another method.
However I feel the way I'm doing it is kind of tedious...
So here's what I do right now:
-I grab as much cobblestone as needed and pillar up at the place I want it.
-Every few blocks or so I place an OpenBlocks elevator adjacent to the pillar, so I can easily get back down.
-Once I'm high enough I begin to bridge out to place landmarks for a Buildcraft Filler.
-After that I set up the Filler with a Tesseract/Dimensional Transceiver that supplies all the stuff it needs.

The part I'm finding the most tedious is setting up the Landmarks for the Filler. Measuring to create the perfect structure is not the easiest thing in the world, because it's pretty hard to make any adjustments if need be, unlike MFFS.
Does anyone know of a better method than what I'm doing now? I feel like, with all these mods, there's just something out there that makes it much easier to do that I just don't know about.
The Builder from BuildCraft seems like a good solution to your problem.

You can make a blueprint of your basic structure with the Architect Table on the ground, then take it with a Builder, a power source and materials in the air, and let it do its thing !
open blocks adds the ruler that lets you measure, and adding a redstone signal to the landmarks show a set of horizontal and vertical lines

the drawbridges will also let you place precise amount of blocks to minize the need to measure: place it down facing the way you want it to go then place the number of blocks you want to place and apply redstone signal. Then just break it and the bridge will remain.
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Bibliocraft "Tape Measure" is a great trusted friend of mine for building just about anything.
Also the OpenBlocks "Building Guide" will help you a great deal(as long as it got the shapes you are building). Shift click it to change shape, click different faces to change sizes.
the builders wand can help allot once you get a bridge, especially if you have a way to fly, otherwise you could instead of bridging to each land mark, piller to them and have a water pool below to break your fall on the other two so you could set them up quicker. ether way its not going to be an easy task but i think it will always pay off in the end for a floating base
And I just thought about something else, if you can fly : the angel block ! You can place it anywhere in the air :)
It will MUCH easier to place your marks with it !
Drones from Pneumaticraft is something else I'm going to add to the suggestion list, they take a little programming (or computercraft control), but I think the Builder is probibily the best solution, build your base's shell outside the void (or even in creative in another world), then build it with supplied materials and power.
I like using turtles from CC to doing tedious stuff like placing landmarks for fillers and quarries. As a bonus turtles think most every block is an angel block.
Theres a mod floating around with a neat block that can 'project' schematics into the world- essentially creating a hologram/template for you to follow.
(it'll do you for building perfect circles/squares/spheres ect)

[never used it myself mind- don't ask me what its called]
its called schematica
I would sugest using botanias lapula shards they are kinda hard to get and need a bit of bontania work. (you need to get the elven gateway to see the stuff in the book) But theres i think 20 levels not sure though and each one makes a bigger island. All you have to do is right click the ground with it and it will begin pulling the blocks up from the ground and placing them in the air