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Minecraft - Cosmos UHC - Episode 2: Overly paranoid?
We have survived into day two of our UHC match, and try to move away from spawn. Paranoia is setting in...
Minecraft - Cosmos UHC - Episode 3: Gold!
We have survived into day three of our UHC match, and go on the hunt for gold. Turns out the time clock is off slightly, so episode lengths will be random.
Minecraft - Cosmos Server - Episode 6: Overly Complex Door!
Time for a little side project-- a tiki head on the mountain face that doubles as an entrance into our mine and Nether portal. Redstone, redstone, and more redstone!
Minecraft - Feed the Beast (Mindcrack) - Episode 10: The Foundry
It's done! Finally, we can tour the completed foundry and move over some of the equipment used to process metals.
Minecraft - Hexxit: Episode 13: Dwarven Stronghold!
Our focus still on the South, Sicken and I scout out a dwarven stronghold and enter the great volcano of the Shirtless Dwarf Clan! Also sicken pretties up our nether portal.
Minecraft - Feed the Beast (Mindcrack) - Episode 11: Diamonds for Days!
Today we look at the iTNT plant, and the technical elements required to turn a bazillion diamond comb into diamonds (not cruddy industrial diamonds).
Minecraft - Cosmos Server - Episode 7: The Docks
Today we work a little on the docks, asI test out some new video recording software (dxtory). Sorry for any rough cuts, or lag in the recording. Not sure about that software yet. Opinions wanted on the mountain-- what should I do with the overhang?
Minecraft - Feed the Beast (Mindcrack) - Episode 12: The Nether Fountain!
Hey guys, we are off to the West Nether hub to start construction on a tropical biodome. The pigmen are a little freaked out.
Minecraft - Hexxit - Episode 14: Winter's Coming
We move on from our Dwarven Stronghold siege, and look to establish a foothold in the North by taking on a giant Walker Citadel. It's madness I tell ya... madness!!
Minecraft - Cosmos Server - Episode 8: Landing and minor dock
We're doing a let's build episode, focusing on the main landing and minor dock. Lots of detail work as we one step closer to building the shanty town.
Minecraft - Hexxit - Episode 15: Kings of the North
Today we finish exploration of the Walker Citadel, and Sicken torments me with horrible magic. ** WARNING: POSSIBLE WALKING DEAD SPOILERS IN COMMENTARY **
Minecraft - Fellowship - Episode 1: My Burden to Bear
Have you ever wondered what would have happened had the Council of Elrond entrusted the ring to someone like me, instead of the fellowship? Find out, as I explore the Fellowship modpack and embark upon my own journey through Middle Earth... to destroy the Ring once and for all.
Minecraft - Feed the Beast (Mindcrack) - Episode 13: First World Problems
We take a look at the (mostly) finished nether hub, some tweaks to our metalworks and diamond processing... and discuss a new challenge.
Minecraft - Fellowship - Episode 2: Dwarven Smeltery (Tinkers Construct)
The dwarves help me set up a tinkers construct smeltery. Well, mostly they get in the way. We also have rumblings of dragons! ;(
Have you ever wondered what would have happened had the Council of Elrond entrusted the ring to someone like me, instead of the fellowship? Find out, as I explore the Fellowship modpack and embark upon my own journey through Middle Earth... to destroy the Ring once and for all.
Minecraft - Cosmos Server - Episode 9: Horse Island!
As it turns out, we have an island full or horses about 100 blocks west of the Pirate City. Sicken and I set sail with plans on claiming it!