All Mystcraft Pages: Unleashed 1.1.4 BoP enabled

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Gimply Goose

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey guys! I spent some time going through the creative spawned Mystcraft notebook in a test world and decided to make a list of all of the pages in it. I did this so I could keep track of which pages I still need to gather on my server, and I thought I would share it with all of you!

There were a few things I noticed while going through the notebook:
  • There are 258 unique pages and 256 obtainable pages
  • The two unobtainable (can only get through creative mode) pages are the Sky Biome and Native Biome Controller pages
  • There are two unique pages for the following biomes: Desert, Extreme Hills, Forest, Glacier, Jungle, Plains, Swampland, and Taiga
  • There are 149 unique biome pages (148 obtainable)
Without further ado here is the list:
Alps Biome
Alps Forest Biome
Alps Mountainside Biome
Arctic Biome
Badlands Biome
Bamboo Forest Biome
Bayou Biome
Beach Biome
Birch Forest Biome
Birch Wood Block
Blessed Bog Biome
Bog Biome
Boneyard Biome
Boreal Forest Biome
Boundless Sky
Bright Lighting
Brushland Biome
Canyon Biome
Canyon Ravine Biome
Cave World
Chaparral Biome
Cherry Blossom Grove Biome
Clear Modifiers
Clearing Border Biome
Cloud Color
Coal Ore Block
Conferous Forest Biome
Coral Reef Biome
Corrupted Sands Biome
Crag Biome
Crystal Block
Crystal Formations
Dark Forest
Dark Lighting
Dark Moon
Dark Stars
Dark Sun
Dead Forest Biome
Dead Swamp Biome
Deadlands Biome
Deciduous Forest Biome
Deep Lakes
Dense Ores
Dense Twilight Forest Biome
Desert Biome
Desert Biome (alternate)
Desert Hills Biome Biome
Deset Oil Field Biome
Diamond Ore Block
Dirt Block
Double Length
Dunes Biome
Enchanted Forest Biome
End Stoen Block
Ender Starfield
Eternal Rain
Eternal Snow
Eternal Storm
Eternal Weather
Extreme Hills Biome
Extreme Hills Biome (alternate)
Extreme Hills Edge Biome
Fast Weather
Fen Biome
Field Biome
Fire Swamp Biome
Fog Color
Foliage Color
Forest Biome
Forest Biome (alternate)
Forest Hills Biome
Forested Field Biome
Frost Forest Biome
Frozen Ocean Biome
Frozen River Biome
Full Length
Fungi Forest Biome
Garden Biome
Glacier Biome
Glacier Biome (alternate)
Glass Block
Glowstone Block
Gold Ore Block
Grass Color
Grassland Biome
Gravel Beach Biome
Grove Biome
Half Length
Heathland Biome
Hell Biome
Highland Biome
Highlands Biome
Hot Springs Biome
Huges Biomes
Huge Trees
Ice Block
Ice Mountains Biome
Ice Plains Biome
Icy Hills Biome
Iron Ore Block
Island World
Jade Cliffs Biome
Jungle Biome
Jungle Biome (alternate)
Jungle Hills Biome
Jungle Wood Block
Kelp Forest Biome
Lake Border Biome
Large Biomes
Lava Block
Lots of Mushrooms Biome
Lush Desert Biome
Lush Swamp Biome
Majestic Meadow Biome
Major Feature Biome
Mangrove Biome
Maple Woods Biome
Marsh Biome
Meadow Biome
Meadow Forest Biome
Medium Biomes
Mesa Biome
Minor Feature Biome
Moor Biome
Mountain Biome
Mushroom Island Biome
Mushroom Island Shore Biome
Mushrooms Biome
Mystic Grove Biome
Native Biome Controller (creative only)
Nether Biome
Nether Brick Block
Nether Fortress
Nether Quartz Ore Block
Netherrack Block
Night Sky Color
No Seas
No Weather
Normal Lighting
Normal Moon
Normal Stars
Normal Sun
Normal Weather
Oak Wood Block
Oasis Biome
Obsidian Block
Ocean Biome
Ocean Oil Field Biome
Oil Block
Ominous Woods Biome
Orchard Biome
Origin Valley Biome
Outback Biome
Overgrown Beach Biome
Pasture Biome
Pasture Meadow Biome
Phantasmagoric Inferno Biome
Plains Biome
Plains Biome (alternate)
Polar Biome
Prairie Biome
Quagmire Biome
Rainforest Biome
Redwood Forest Biome
River Biome
Sacred Springs Biome
Savanna Biome
Savanna Plateau Biome
Scorched Surface
Scrubland Biome
Seasonal Forest Biome
Seasonal Spruce Forest Biome
Shield Biome
Shore Biome
Single Biome
Sky Biome (creative only)
Sky Color
Slow Weather
Sludgepit Biome
Small Biomes
Snow Block
Snowy Coniferous Forest Biome
Snowy Dead Forest Biome
Snowy Forest Biome
Spontaneous Explosions
Spruce Wood Block
Spruce Woods Biome
Standard Terrain
Star Fissure
Steppe Biome
Stone Block
Sunset Color
Surface Lakes
Swampland Biome
Swampland Biome (alternate)
Taiga Biome
Taiga Biome (alternate)
Taiga Hills Biome
Temperate Rainforest Biome
Thick Ominous Woods Biome
Thick Shrubland Biome
Thicket Biome
Thinned Pasture Biome
Thinned Timber Biome
Tiled Biomes
Timber Biome
Tiny Biomes
Tropical Rainforest Biome
Tropics Biome
Tundra Biome
Twilight Clearing Biome
Twilight Forest Biome
Twilight Lake Biome
Twilight Stream Biome
Twilight Swamp Biome
Undergarden Biome
Volcano Biome
Wasteland Biome
Water Block
Water Color
Wetland Biome
Wonderous Woods Biome
Woodland Biome
Zero Length
I plan on revising the list and perhaps adding separate lists with categories, although I found it more useful for them all to be in one list because it simplifies sifting through the pages as you gather them.
Anyways, Enjoy! :)
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One thing to note is that the more pages there are, the harder it is to get specific pages.

When playing without BoP and Twilight Forest I can find the non-biome pages fairly quickly. With those mods active I end up spending hours running in one direction in a Mystcraft age searching for the few I need.

While some pages MIGHT be harder to find (such as diamond ore, though I'm not certain), different catagories, like biomes, aren't noticed when a page is created.
Mystcraft's config can disable many biomes from appearing as pages. I find it helpful to disable all the pages except the ones used in the overworld to create incentive to visit the actual dimensions that contain those biomes. Why gather all the stuff to go to the promised land if you can just generate promised land biomes anywhere, right. Conversely, twilight forest biomes don't generate special features (mazes, lich towers, hydras, etc) outside the twilight, so they're mostly useless as pages.

All one needs to do is disable the appropriate biome number in the mystcraft config that matches that biome's ID, which can be found in the respective mod's config file.
The problem with doing MystCraft the way it was intended - exploring Ages to find pages - is worldgen server CPU and world disk size, which requires semi-diligent cleaning up of old ages to avoid world saved file bloat.
The problem with doing MystCraft the way it was intended - exploring Ages to find pages - is worldgen server CPU and world disk size, which requires semi-diligent cleaning up of old ages to avoid world saved file bloat.

It is true that exploring ages eats up disk space, but that gets taken care of when I do a little Age-pruning. Don't forget that you can also get pages from villagers with emeralds, so you could potentially gather all the pages without ever even stepping into an age.

If I just cheated the pages in, I would feel like a cheater. I use Mystcraft for the most part as it was intended to be used and it is fun for me that way. I'm not saying everyone should/can play this way, but I am assuming there are others out there who do.

One last thing, I have found that if you don't travel too quickly in the ages, it is not very harsh on the CPU. Flying around in a maxed out MPS or GraviSuit will definitely lag up a server, but walking or sprinting at vanilla or slightly above vanilla speeds keeps the ticks/sec at 20.
Not sure why, but I haven't found hardly *any* villages in my overworld and of the two(2) I have found, I've maxed out (bought) all of their Mystcraft pages. It took a while and 100's of emeralds, but the guys won't sell me any more pages., and I've tried everything I can think of, from buying all other other stuff (again), to waiting a long time, etc.,.

But, these pages were more than sufficient to get started with making less random ages. From there, I've been gathering pages by finding the libraries in those ages. I'm not close to a full page collection nor is that my goal, but I have found some cool ones like a BC3 desert oil biome page. I've been using an age built on that as my primary energy source.

And, I am guilty as charged from flying around in an MPS suit ;-) Walking slowly does indeed work better, but it's just....slower. Every time I do a world reset to start another playthrough, I'm reminded how slow vanilla is and/or how fast the upgraded suits are.
He could track Age activity/chunks loaded over time and then have mystcraft do its own age controlling overtime by getting rid of excess ages.

Or better yet have a book incinerator, where if you burn the original descriptive book of the age it would be removed from memory.

This would leave some of the memory management in the hands of the players, perhaps some incentive could be added to book burning as well, like page discovery.

There is really quite a lot he could do to help out with the space issues.
Still what it boils down to is actually getting Xcomp to roll with an idea of similar nature.

He's a rather particular fellow.
On the topic of mystcraft... what is the biome/modifier that causes the world to spawn as a single floating island? (IIRC skylands just makes it so the world is made of flating broken continents... i want the single floating island so common when doing random ages.)

floating natural island in voidspace sounds like a nice place to live.
On the topic of mystcraft... what is the biome/modifier that causes the world to spawn as a single floating island? (IIRC skylands just makes it so the world is made of flating broken continents... i want the single floating island so common when doing random ages.)

floating natural island in voidspace sounds like a nice place to live.

I've been trying to gather age creation layouts lately.

3rd one down shows a rough page layout for skylands. Other than that all I can suggest is experimenting with void and skylands, I ran across a single island void type biome once but it was unstable.
Yeah, when doing random ages i get the floating island frequently, but always with rain, and intersected by nether fortresses and such... i would love to be able to build my very own piece of floating forest in a no-weather sunny age :D

perfect microworld!
Not sure why, but I haven't found hardly *any* villages in my overworld and of the two(2) I have found, I've maxed out (bought) all of their Mystcraft pages. It took a while and 100's of emeralds, but the guys won't sell me any more pages., and I've tried everything I can think of, from buying all other other stuff (again), to waiting a long time, etc.,.

But, these pages were more than sufficient to get started with making less random ages. From there, I've been gathering pages by finding the libraries in those ages. I'm not close to a full page collection nor is that my goal, but I have found some cool ones like a BC3 desert oil biome page. I've been using an age built on that as my primary energy source.

And, I am guilty as charged from flying around in an MPS suit ;-) Walking slowly does indeed work better, but it's just....slower. Every time I do a world reset to start another playthrough, I'm reminded how slow vanilla is and/or how fast the upgraded suits are.

Not sure if it applies in your case, but using Biomes O Plenty will disable village generation in a large number of biomes which drastically reduces the probability of encountering a village. Village generation can be enabled/disabled on a per biome basis in the config.
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