All IDs of Direwolf20v1.0.11 for GriefPrevention here

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Hi Pirita (RE)!
This configs generates same errors in console.
From various events at Bc Machines, World and NPCs

I'm return to my original config and works fine!
E-mail me!

Abraços! :)
Wow, even after 100s of searches in both Google and here on the forums, I *finally* found this list! For some reason, searching for Direwolf20 griefprevention never turned up this post. It finally took me searching 1.6.4 griefprevention (in desperation that another modpack's would be close) to find this! I wonder if it has something to do with your title formatting...

This is MUCH appreciated! I was fearing that I would have to write my own list from scratch (done it once before, it's painful!). This combined with BedCraftGP will be a great combo.

Anyways, leaving an upvote, bump, and keyword list for others searching!

grief prevention, griefprevention, gp, claims, items, IDs, DW20, direwolf20, 1.0.11, 1.0.12, 1.6.4, direwolf20v1.6.4
Im having problems when I use this, GP either overwrites this with its default file or just errors the entire config, any ideas why?
@pirita I seem to be getting errors where GP can't read the materials. I've got no clue why. Any ideas?

(Screenshot in Spoiler)
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Found a temporary workaround, using the find and replace feature in N++ to replace itemID:* with itemID:*:-PlaceholderText. PlaceholderText being where an item name is supposed to go. This should work find as the item name isn't actually used but seems to want to only work with it being there.

Screenshot in spoiler
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