Because there isn't one. You need to use the Alchemical Furnace to get essentia outside of the crucible. Be aware, it's slightly more complicated then TC3's style. You have your warded jars to hold the stuff, but you can also get later on essentia piping systems set up. There are even ways to make a warded jar only accept one type of essentia or even ones that work great as a overflow protection system, Void Jars, that accept an infinite amount of the aspect they are holding(or set to hold), but void what doesn't fit in it.
As a "'ello, welcome to the forums" gift, I decided to answer your question. But for future reference, we have a thread for these sort of things. Simple questions. Ones that don't truly need a new thread. It's not that we like to group these simple questions for ease of reading, it's mostly to cut down on clutter(and the occasional necropost answer).