Agrarian Skies - Simple Power

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In my Agrarian Skies singleplayer world, I grew tired of using Ender Generators as my main source of power for my machines, and I wasn't yet ready to learn how to use big reactors, so I've come up with a fairly easy way to generate power using Terreracts and Steam Dynamos completely free with little to no maintenance required after the initial setup. (If this has been done or thought of before, my apologies as I did not know)

These three images show the setup I've come up with, and I'll explain how everything works.

If you don't already know, steam dynamos require two things to work, water and a heat source. With this design, the heat source is going to be planks. Using tessaracts, I use two frequencies to power everything. Frequency 1 is the "Steam Dynamo" frequency, and frequency 2 is the "Sawmill" frequency.

In image 1, I used an aqueous accumulator surrounded by four water sources to pump water into a tesseract set to the steam dynamo frequency.

In image 2, I've set up a tree farm using a harvester and planter to automate it. The top tesseract which is set on the sawmill frequency is connected to the barrel which pumps logs into the tesseract on the left of image 3, also set on the sawmill frequency.

The sawmill from there (also powered by the system) turns each log into six planks and pumps the planks into the tesseract on the right on image 3. This tesseract is set to the steam dynamo frequency. (The trashcan on the top of the sawmill is just to pump the sawdust into as I was too lazy to do anything with it.)

The bottom tesseract on image 2 is set to the steam dynamo frequency and it's set to receive both items and liquids. This tesseract will receive water from the aqueous accumulator and planks from the sawmill. This will power both of the steam dynamos and will keep power to the tree farm.

The tesseract on the back of the sawmill on image 3 is also set to the steam dynamo frequency and is set to receive both liquids and items.

To start the system and keep it looping, all you have to do is place about fifteen planks into the steam dynamo connected to the sawmill. This will then begin powering the sawmill which will cut the planks and keep distributing them to the steam dynamos.

To power any other of your machines, all you have to do is connect them to a steam dynamo and a tesseract which is connected to the steam dynamo frequency and is also set to receive items and liquid, as shown in the picture below.

The tree farm should keep supplying logs for your sawmill to cut and the sawmill should keep supplying the planks for all of the steam dynamos to continue to run.

Thoughts on the system? I would love your opinions and feedback to be able to improve upon it. Thanks!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It is a bit over-complicated, but you will figure it out eventually. Itemducts would be very useful. Also, using Applied Energistics to manage all this will make everything super easy.

The main problem is that your scaling is poor. There is no reasonable way to expand your system. 80 RF/t is a very tiny amount of energy, especially for AS where you need to submit 10 000 items, for some quests. Always be thinking about how you can make things bigger/better, slowly but surely, by adding on more and more.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah I know, this was mainly made as something to power my machines until I had the motivation to figure out reactors and Applied Energistics. It definitely isn't the best but eh, it works for now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, it's progress. Now you understand the amount of planning required when you want to do things like this. You need to put liquid in, put items in, but you have to do somethign with those items first, so you have to put power into something else so it can change the item, then send it to your machine, then you have to consider taking the energy out.

Next, I would consider learning how to use energy cells. Leadstone energy cell is quite cheap. It'll allow you to learn how to make a system with an energy storage buffer. You can also pick up full storage cells and move them around, making it relatively convenient for moving energy around.

Also, look into energy conduits, start with leadstone energy conduits and work your way up.

Dragon Wolf

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I like I might use, it's recources expensive so it's going to be mid/late game, definitely not early game


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's far better than anything I have ever got to...
I am producing about 4k RF/tick in mid-game, and I still don't have tesseracts.

A decent early game power setup is Crucibles generating lava and feeding magmatic dynamos 5 over netherrack will feed 4 dynamos. Using a different heat source may require another crucible.

You can also go steam dynamo as a harvester shouldn't be to hard to get going early on and you can build a tree farm out of it to provide the charcoal needed for the fuel.

Once you get more into the smeltery and have a cobble Gen goingand a source of clay, you can make scorched bricks and build a high oven. An aqueous accumulator connected to a 3x3x3 high oven with two fluiduct connections will produce a small but practically free amount of steam that you can send to a steam dynamo. (You will need 3 scorched drains. ) a charcoal block will burn for a long time in the high oven.