is it anyhow possible to automaticly craft all my items into another, without clicking on it in the Acces Terminal? E.g. I want all my cobble crafted into furnaces - so anytime, anyhow 8 cobble enters the network, it would be crafted into furnace. Only way i can think of is autoexporting into projecttable and then importing it back to network. But that seems quite clumsy and I would have to use separate table for each crafting recipe.
is it anyhow possible to automaticly craft all my items into another, without clicking on it in the Acces Terminal? E.g. I want all my cobble crafted into furnaces - so anytime, anyhow 8 cobble enters the network, it would be crafted into furnace. Only way i can think of is autoexporting into projecttable and then importing it back to network. But that seems quite clumsy and I would have to use separate table for each crafting recipe.