Adventure Awaits Modpack! [Curse][Adventure][Tech][Magic][PvP][Achievements]

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Adventure Awaits!

(Craft an achievement book)

Welcome! This is a modpack with a mixture of elements. The goal is to survive, the world you are in is some what hostile. Even the weather wants you dead with the random tornadoes it throws at you. At night its completely dark and the beast that lurks there are out for blood, yours! So hit the ground running. Raid dungeons if you can or just run until you can't run anymore afterwards run some more.

If you're lonely use the cake in your inventory to befriend a little maid that will travel with you on your journey.

Modpack Highlights:

Solo Aspects: This pack can be played solo so you can travel, explore, and build defenses again the endless waves of mobs.

Pvp Aspects: What's the point of having guns, nukes, and attack magic if you can't attack anyone with it. So Admins set the overworld as a safe zone. But any other planet or dimension can and should be attacked so each player must up their defense or be destroyed!

Combat the weather, the blood moon, and the many dungeons while on an awesome adventure.

Unique Mods: Weather, storms and tornado mod makes the weather very unique. Along with Random Things, frequent Blood Moon. Plus Hardcore Wither and Hardcore Darkness. And I can't forget the Little Maid mod, she'll serve you until the day she dies!

Tech: Rotarycraft, Reactorcraft, Stargate Craft, Magneticraft, Ancient Warfare 2 and a lot more.

Magic: Chromaticraft ,Ars Magic 2, Aura Cascade, Witchery and Thaumcraft

Protection: Modular Force Field Systems, Open Modular Turrets, Tech Guns, ICBMs (Nuclear weapons), and a few more.

Transportation: Minecraft Flight Simulator and Advanced Rocketry

Be the best and beat the game: Avaritia, craft the strongest armor in game and be a God in PvP or just prove to everyone that you "beat the game".


FYI, AE2 channels are disabled. You want need a controller just a wire connected to power and to any AE machines.

This modpack have a few mods that constantly run when a player are nearby. Which can cause lag on low end pcs. So if you experience lag issues and just want to play the pack. I suggest that you remove or lower the effects of the Weather2/Weather, Storms and Tornado mod (do not remove its support mod). Also Zombie Awareness will cause lag if there are a large amount of mob especially during blood moons. Also Fastcraft is installed by default but feel free to install optifine along with it to improve your performance!

If you're interested in joining the server, there's a few limited slots. Reply with Curse name, be +16 plus, and friendly.
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Active Member
Dec 3, 2012
Hi my name Alex and i would like to join your server.

Curse name : AS_Delzuar
Age : 23


Hey! My name is Robert, and I am 16 years old. It'd be awesome to join your server!

Curse: ImSpiffyyy


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am testing out your pack atm, but for the life of me cant get the adventure backpack to work ?

Ps, with out weather 2 as it lags the hell out of my client.


Shift click with the backpack to open the gui of it. To the left side you'll see a green arrow if you click on it you will put the backpack on.
Then go to your options and set a key inorder to open your backpack while you're wearing it cause its probably conflicting with something.

Also the lag of the Storms mod isn't bad for a single person and for multi people there's an option to make the weather happen server wide instead of per player. Also the items that can disable tornadoes from occurring is easily crafted. But disabling it altogether is an option :D

Next update will decrease the number of mobs and make underground mining a lot more interesting (deadly)!
Enjoy the pack!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I seen that info on wiki & tried it, but shift clicking does nothing no gui shows up & even changing & resetting keys in controls has no effect.


I seen that info on wiki & tried it, but shift clicking does nothing no gui shows up & even changing & resetting keys in controls has no effect.
We'll that's odd. It's works in my single player test world and on the server.
Prehaps it's bugged. Tried going into creative and grabbing another adventure pack make sure you get the standard one that's usable because there's one similar that's looks the same but doesn't work.
Players spawn in with the working one of course :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Grabbing a new one with nie cheat mode did not work it was the same, grabbing out of creative worked, I'll post any other issues I run into on the way.
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Awesome. Please do.
Also craft a hose. It'll allow you to suck up fluids like water and lava into the tanks of the backpack. Then u can draw it out using a bucket. It's awesome!


First, before I got into the details. I would like to publicly *SALUTE* all mod authors. It takes a while to iron out the bugs and conflicts when making a modpack but if it wasn't for the time and effort the creators of the mods put in we wouldn't have a modpack. It's not like you guys get paid for it you just doing what you love to do. So Thank You!

The Calvary Update! Release The Kraken (Void Monster) :


This ill-fated world you've found yourself in has attempted to kill you at ever turn. From tornadoes to hordes of mob that appear when the moon is red. But regardless, you have managed to survive because you've built a nice cozy home underground away from the troubles of the surface. But the enemy is aware of your antics, it has recalled the hordes of mobs (Blood Moon reduce from 60% to 30% chance of occurring) and have decided to focus more on underground tactics. You might notice that as you dig and mine underground breathing becomes a little harder so becareful if you place a torch in the wrong area a fire like you've never seen before will sprout and destroy everything even the very air you breath will become ignited. (Introducing a new mod, Glenn's Gases). But that's not all. They've called in the Calvary, a vicious monster that dwells in the far dark reaches of the Void. (Introducing The Void Monster). Don't try to fight it just run if you see it. The howls it makes as it searches for you will deafen your ears. The world is out to get you Travel, Run, Hide, Survive!

(New Achievements in the book for both mods!)

Mod Additions:

  • Added Glenn’s Gases by JamiesWhiteShirt
-Retrogen Enabled - This will only retrogen when you first log into your world when this mod is added. Any places where pipes and gases should have appeared had this mod been installed on world creation shall appear in the world when you start to play. So if you have unground bases there's a small chance some toxic, explosive, corrosive gas may or may not appear :D. Go ahead risk it! But if you are scared you can turn retrogen off in the config/gasesframework.cfg scroll to the bottom and set it to false.

  • Added Gases Framework by JamiesWhite
(In real life mining, gases can be extremely dangerous. Some gases are very toxic, some are flammable, and some are even explosive. Even coal dust can cause major problems. The worst part is that some of these gases are hard to detect, because they can be colorless and/or odorless. Therefore, miners have to take safety precautions to avoid disasters. You might want to do so too.)

  • Added Void Monster by ReikaKalseki
Mod Removals:

  • Better Dungeons / Chocolate Quests
Config Changes:

  • Blood moon lowered from 60% to 30% occurrence
  • Change Rotarycraft config, You can now use a crafting table to make machines!
  • Ancient Warfare 2 steel recipe disabled
ZOMG A Controversial Config Change!:

  • Disabled AE2 Channels
I'm wondering if I will be flamed to dust for making such a config change! I know you. You've thought about turning AE Channels off. Uhhuh, Yes you have! Don't lie to me! But you don't turn it off not even in a single player world, why? Because you love the challenge of figuring out a room to build your AE system and connect all of your machines.....oooh okay. But haven't you've done that in so many packs before? Haven't you've configure and reconfigure a P2P Tunnel so much that you could do it with your eyes close. Go ahead I'll wait...... So I'll be the bad guy here. I disabled AE Channels so now you don't have to worry about planning the room and working out the tunnels here and there. Nope! Just build! But if I offended you buy turning channels off by all means go to the configs and turn it back on. But know this...I am offended still you're free to play minecraft the way you want too right...right...mind blown! Enjoy!

Loads of Mod Updated to Latest Versions:

Weather, Storms and Tornadoes by Corosus

Electrical Age by Baughn

Farseek by delvr

Modular Force Field Systems by darkguardsman

Voltz Engine by darkguardsman

ICBM by darkguardsman

Waila Plugins by tterrag1098

LibVulpes by zmaster587


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First off I stopped playing this pack some reasons & a short summery, the first time I played before the latest update the one thing I spent most time doing was hiding in a hole while I check net for info on one of the many mods in this pack I have little if any experience with, its just not fun waiting out constant bloodmoons, the mobs are something new I have not seen the farmer, miners, etc mobs in any packs to date so found that interesting if a bit scary at first, but its not hard to work out how to kill them safely, next I found my self wondering what type of pack is this really, if its a pure adventure pack why all the mods that have large multiblock stuctures ?, if its a build up & go hunting, well by that stage there is little you can find in loot chests that you dont have or cant easy make!, next as to the update, I was pleased to see that bloodmoon got a nerf but something in the update makes the game unplayable for me drops the frame rate single digits & even lowering all the details & mipmap does not help.

I may come back & have a look in the future, but no clear direction in the pack is a bit off putting for me, plus so many mods that make nearly the same multiblock structures seems a waste of cpu, Oh & please dont be offended by any of this its feed back alone, I respect the time & effort all modders & pack creators put in.
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Thank you for the feedback! :D
Not all packs are for everyone. I myself play many different packs mostly for the unique mods. And some people choose to play this pack mainly for the fun but less popular mods that I selected. If something don't feel right to you. You could always personally deactivate or remove I've done that to packs in the past. Others have message me telling me they removed a mod here or there or change a config. I feel you should be able to play how you want unless you're on a server then i guess you have no choice.

And the pack is still in beta stage not officially released. Some of the mods do cause lag mainly due to updates from other mods. Then there are mods that people just can't run due to the mod creating overworld gen or constantly running or being active due to a nearby player. For example, zombie awarness during a blood moon would cause lag. That's one of the mods that's suggested to remove if lag is unbearable. Also there's varies constant elements in this pack. There's the Weather2 mod that has realistic weather, storms, and tornades (constant particles in the wind), streams produce constant moving water, etc. There are many ways to twerk the performance of the pack.

I can really only gauge the lag on the pcs I use, the server, and the other contributing members of my team. So if no one reports lag then I normally publish the updates. But if you view curseforge chat for instances I quickly respond to anyone's concern to lag or otherwise and try to adjust accordingly after all I'm only human.

Anyways to address the question of purpose. The pack is really how you want to play it. There's an achievement list but you're not force to complete it. I agree the constant blood moon was overkill lol. But it was toned down and again you're free to completely remove it. If you choose you can just build and try out the unique mods that you've never played with before. Or you can walk and explore there's Ancient Warfare 2 villages where npc sells items for you or trade. Or Pirate towers and villages where you can raid and conquer (which is currently where my starter base is at). They're not that difficulty and the rewards from these villages are huge. You can also find a catacomb and challenge the wither (not something you should do early game) Even at mid or end game the raiding of castles, towers, villages will still benefit you. For example, Ars Magical 2 orbs can be found in those places as well as Chromaticraft black pages both are which people constantly look for when playing those mods and they're right there in the overworld where you can fight and kill NPCs in the process. Maybe use a guided missile to play it up idk be creative :D

You could use the various mods, Electric Age, Traincraft, etc and build you an entire city. Or if you have friends start a server and pvp with guns, rockets, or magic while being protected by your own army of npcs from AW2 or Thaumcraft Golems, heck even the Little Maids will fight if you give her a sword and some sugar.

Its an Adventure Pack but you determine the adventure not I.

Again thanks for the feedback :D
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Update: 2.0
Just a few small update to iron out the pack:

  • Removed Hardcore Ender Expansion
  • Reverted Farseek back to previous version (due to reported lag)
  • Disabled VoltzEngine Steel recipe
  • Added ExtraCells2 by DrummerMC
  • Updated Electrical Age by Baughn
The next update will possibly take the pack out of Beta. Meaning there won't be any mod additions or removal after it goes into Release. I will just focus on needed mod updates and any issues you guys run into.

The last think I want to do before putting it into release state is to add one last magic mod. I attempted to add a unique one AcademyCraft but it didn't work out so well. I'm leaning towards EssentialCraft 3 but it would probably require a wipe of your current gameplay unless you're okay with the spawning of new biomes that may or may not look broken and crappy in terms of world gen. Finally, there's Botania, you can never go wrong with flowers.

Anyways if you have suggestions or issues please post them. I try to response to any idea with some type of logic or rationally reply within the ways and objectives of the pack as a whole.

Thank you! Please Enjoy!


The Official Release!

Update 3.0 Official Release: The Endless Loop

Yet again you find yourself running for life from the hordes of monsters. But this time you were ready. You’ve designed a device that will make all mobs summon by the so called Blood Moon vanish at the break of dawn (Blood Moon mobs now despawn at day break). This have made your life on this wretched planet somewhat bearable. It has been months since you’ve found yourself stuck here. But using newly discovered Aura Crystals (Aura Cascade) you’ve came up with a teleportation device to finally send yourself home.

“What!”. Suddenly you hear a noise from behind you. This world wants you dead at all cost and will do everything to prevent you from leaving. The sun suddenly fades and the Blood Moon returns this time the Void Monster and The Wither are your enemies both summoned by the world to finish you off. Your attacks are easily absorbed by The Void Monster as The Wither launches a full out assault. Leaving you with no choice you hurriedly activate the teleportation device to finally leave this world.

Just as you enter, The Withers last attack hits the device and altering it causing an explosion. You find yourself in an unfamiliar world surround by enemies and even the very world wants you dead. Little do you know the attack by The Wither altered your teleportation device. Instead of sending you home it sent you back in time to when you first entered this horrid world leaving you with no memory of the past. The only sure thing you know is that this world wants you dead and your only option is to RUN and let the adventure begin a new because you’ll never learn that this all has happened before and will happen again in an endless loop!

Removed Mods:
Farseek -
removed to improve performance
COFHLibs - minechem support mod
Minechem - removed in favor of better builders wand (the two don't get along)
Streams - removed to improve performance

Added Mods:
Aura Cascade by pixlepix -
for the people who said they only play this pack for the magic mods
Better builders wands by Portablejim -
for people asking for early game building tools

Config changes: For those who said early game was too hard due to the blood moons especially when raiding villages
Blood Moon occurrence lowered from 30 to 15%
Blood moon mobs will despawn at daylight

Author's Note:

Finally! Considering this the pack's official release. All mods are here for keeps. I'll mainly focus on individual mod updates when needed and fixing any performance issues that may occur. Working on this pack has been fun. This being my second one but the largest one I've made. I did it all in my free time so don't rage at me I don't get paid for this. On the other hand if you would like to pay me I can't accept cash sorry but there's other ways to pay. I love modpacks because they are compiled of so many different mods yet each individual person that plays the same modpack will build stuff differently, automate differently, create their own unique structures from their creative imaginative minds! So if you would like to pay me and I hope you do then I ask that you go to my official thread and post images of your base. I don't care if its a start base, mid game, etc I just want to see how you play the modpack! Also if you have any issues/suggestions please let me know.

Anyways I don't want to write a book here so I'll leave you to it after all your "Adventure Awaits"! Thanks!


I sent you a request on curse. I'm guessing your curse name is HDBlade?

Also there's four slots remaining for anyone else who's interested!


As promise I'm uploading pics of my current base. It's early game and I did have a partner before he branched out on his own.

This one is an overview of the base. Its surround by walls and have working drop gates. It was previously a bandit village before I raided it, killed everyone npc, and cleared it.

Next is the some what compact farm set up. Using Rotarycraft sprinklers and fans to automate the harvesting.


All items from the farm are collected into these jabba barrels. And underneath are RoC autocrafter to craft the items from the drops so you can take what you need.

Some early game ars magical
Here is some Performance Engines, four of them chained together to head up a blast furance to make hydros. Then each of them connected to their own machines i.e Jet Furnace, Liquefication, Fractionation Unit etc. Al
though I still haven't found a ghast to kill to start jetfuel production.

This was really early game, Four steam engines and I had different machines connected. Didn't feel like multiplying the set up since I know i wouldn't use it for that long. So The steam engines heated a blast furnace, pro
duce obsidian for the jabba barrels etc.


At this point I'm done with early game and moving into midgame RoC and currently looking for a new base. Some where nice to really build. This is my hydro plant. Currently powering 4 grinders and 4 centrifuges, processing enough canola to run a total of 12 hydros. Which 4 will be dedicated to canola, 4 to RF which is aobut 8k rf/t. And the other 4 to various RoC machines. All my builds could have been a bit nicer and more compact but I was just on a mission to pass early game.


Some stuff you can't. I use IE water wheels early game to power endio machines to make the conduits. We have a mining tunnel in the back behind an iron door. And more RoC Autocraft laying around to grab stuff quickly like jabba barrels and machine parts.


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I would love to join the server Curse name is RedEyeT and I am 17 years old


my curse name is elfattack18,
I am 17.
I'd like to join as i love magic and my friend that wants to join loves tech. i'd be joining with redeyet.