AdvancedMachine.operate crasherror. Fix inside


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So your getting the error that say:
at ic2.advancedmachines.common.TileEntityAdvancedMachine.operate(

Let me first explain what the bug is:

Basicly its when an ore, like Monazite, Lapisore and other ores that will return more than 4 peices when used inside a macerator will create this bug. Its when it hits over 64 (a stack) that the server will go into a hault, and crash.

Then lets talk some about howto "fix" it when this happends. In most cases players have made some system of sorts that will be feeding a macerator some way or another (hoppers are really common to use). You are restarting the server, and the bug still happends. But why? The macerating should be done right? Well, yeah, but in most cases where there is a system thats making the process automated it will still throw in these ores, making you hit over a stack again.

The easy solution that will get the server running again is to restart the server all untill whatever machinery thats making it runs out of ores (kinda no system runs for that long unless its someone doing this on purpose). After 3-4 restarts stuff should be back to normal again. It could be recommended to turn the server into a "random" port untill you can confirm that its running as it should again (first make shure its not related to whenever a certain player logs in and loads that chunk). Most of these machineries are being kept loaded with a quarry, MFFS or any other sorts of chunkloaders (yeah MFFS keeps chunks loaded apparently).

Now the more tricky solution is to update Forge on the server. The version of Forge that was release after the current one in the modpack stops this bug. However it WILL break Twilight as its not compatible with a later Forge.

Sadly i wasnt the person on our server that updated Forge, and i have no idea on what version is in the serverpack so i cant tell what version of Forge to use instead.

If someone want to write up a small "howto" on updating Forge, i will add that to this post ofc. But however i hope the pack wont stay long in 1.2.5, so the restartprocess should be more than enough.

The suggestions about dissabling some mods, restart the server so the machinery gets removed is imo a real bad solution, it breaks alot more than it fixes.

Hope that helped some atleast :)
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