Hello there! I just added Gregtech to my Unleashed 1.1.5 and activated BoP, Natura was corrupted as 0kb file so I downloaded it aswell, now if I look how to craft a pump module or some other items it says that needs mushrooms, lol. For example 1 Toad Stool gives you 2 Data orb, I guess that's an ID conflict between ( according to ftb wiki Toad Stool is from Extrabiomes XL but I don't have that mod, so I'll go for BoP mushroom ) Biomes o' Plenty and gregtech, BoP was disabled by default, why? Did I done wrong activating it? I've already generated the world, atleast the overworld and I can't find a single BoP biome, can I disable it w/o losing the world? Thanks.