Accidentally moved filler with gravity gun, now yellow/black outline won't disappear?

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MCEdit did nothing unfortunately. :( Didn't ruin mod blocks on the other hand, which was a nice surprise. Gonna test WorldEdit later today, though I'm skeptical. And tired of this crap :(

Have you been able to reproduce this issue in creative? I'm personally at a loss as to why this ishappening. It makes me wonder if it's a glitch with destroying the filler while it has a non-placeable block inside it (and not specifically the grav-gun).
I'll test around a bit. Don't know why it'd have non-placeable blocks though, as it was clearing rather than filling.
Tried around in single player and surprisingly could NOT reproduce the bug. Moving a filler with a gravity gun would instantly remove the outline, as would destroying it, no matter it's contents. Moving a filler away from the outline removed the outline, but it reappeared if I moved the same filler back. However, destroying it still removed the outline.

Though since SPC and worldedit seem to work, maybe I can succeed in moving part of my base and cover up the outline with dirt. Feels sad to do as it's been largely legit up until now, but there seems to be few options.
You can maybe copy all chunks of your world and paste in another new world.
It should work, but spawn might change.(and takes forever)
I "solved" it through burying the area in dirt and moving the house on top of it. Took some extra work replacing mod items that got incorrect facing etc, and things are a bit buggy with connecting now, but I can live with that.
What did you do in MCEdit?

Did you select a region and then hit clear entities?
Or did you hit clear blocks? Or did you just hit delete?

Try copying it elsewhere to see if it can be copied.
I used clear entities and clear blocks. Not that it matters, I'm satisfied with the result.
I've had this happen to me with landmarks, but simply restarting the game, not even the client, worked.

Try activating landmarks on top of all the lines and see what happens when you remove them.

Try activating landmarks, logging off, logging on then removing them.

Try replicating the bug with landmarks, logging off, logging on and see if that works.

Plenty of things you may try.
CovertJaguar: Thanks! Cool to see you here. Remove entities in MCEdit didn't work in any case, and I don't know the name of the entity for WorldEdit/SPC.

But nevermind, I managed to build a hill out of it and use worldedit to move my treefarm on top of the hill instead. Looks pretty sweet too, and will look even better when I get some greenery going.

Have done all these to no eff