I....did a lot of stuff since the last update. Much of it wasn't anything to showcase. I went to the End and killed the dragon in order to get its heart, then mined out the whole island for its draconium. Back home, I discovered that breaking the ore with MFR's block smasher yields 5-10 piles of draconium dust per block. In my last world, I had set up Mekanism tier 4 ore processing system just to get a reliable 5.... Hmph. Anyway, I built a draconic bow. If you ever wanted a machine gun in minecraft that just blows mobs away by the horde, this is it! Give it Power V and Infinity and you can one-shot Endermen.
Now relatively well-equipped
for building in my twilight dimension (it's never day there so there are always mobs) I decided I needed something more in order to really start my Thaumcraft base. I went here:
What for? Well, to do this:
I think I won't need any more life essence until I decide to make a tier 6 blood altar. Why did I want this? Well, I'm attempting to progress in a way that minimizes things I don't like to do. One of that is Thaumcraft's standard way of moving aura nodes. I don't mind the time or the effort, but rather the chance of deterioration. You can move aura nodes using a teleposer from Blood Magic, and so I had to make a tier 4 blood altar. However, dealing with mobs and all the killing stuff is another thing I don't like, so I made a dimension with a life essence ocean and "fueled up", so to speak, there. In addition, I don't have Taint biomes in my overworld since I set the biome weight to 1 for worldgen, and Taint biomes and "dead forest" and "dead swamp" biomes I found thematically fitting for this world. I won't make a permanent base there since the upkeep is 5500RF/t - which I could do but my current cables only transport 20KRF/t and this would limit what I could do with other dimensions. So I put an activity probe there and left. Then I proceeded to build a slate making facility with eight blood altars. Of which I would love to post a picture but I discovered the shots I attempted to make never happened. Since I dismantled the room after having finished my tier 5 blood altar (I have, of course, a fair stock of Nether Stars) I can't correct that mistake.
Impressions of my blood altar:
This unorthodox way of fueling up by life essence network gave me the opportunity to use runes of dislocation for the first time, go all-out on capacity and avoid the otherwise necessary runes of sacrifice almost completely - the ones left are there as placeholders where I don't need the more expensive ones, because they're one of the few runes which can be made with reinforced slates. This altar has a capacity of 309000 lp. While I was at it, I also made a set of upgraded bound armor - what a relief to be able to fill the sockets in a few seconds without any hassle at all. While progressing in Blood Magic this was, the only problematic parts were twofold: the Magician's Blood Orb, since it's not possible to have any capacity or filling upgrades on the altar when you make it and I had to make some Botania healing brews in order to deal with it. I even died once in the process. The other one is getting the blood shards for the tier 4 altar and the bound armor. That was rather a chore, even using my mob spawners for raw material.
Meanwhile, I started building up my Thaumcraft-related rooms. My magic base is located in an interesting place...
And here the core of my first permanent extradimensional base:
My first little Thaumcraft room.
Note the autmated alchemy setup. I hate flux, and the first thing I usually do with alchemy is to make this automation setup, not really to automate anything but in order to do alchemy without leftover essentia fouling things up. This way I can just use jars of distilled essentia, and since I usually distill by the jar I tend to have a stock of essentia even before I automate distillation. Unfortunately I can't do balanced shards this way before I progress in Thaumic Energistics.
And here's what I did all that Blood Magic for:
The final part of the first stage of my Thaumcraft base was the infusion altar. I think it looks best if I don't add a roof, especially since I planted the canopy trees in order to hang the firefly jars from them.
Meanwhile, where things don't need to look good...these are my infusion stabilizers. They'll take me anywhere until I get to TTKami's Awakened Tools. Which I'll eventually make since they open up another dimension.
An impression of the whole aboveground setup.
Next order of business is an essentia management system. With Thaumic Energistics I won't have to use golems for that and my distillation setup doesn't need to be anywhere near my infusion altar. I don't yet know how intricate I'll make it, but I haven't made a management system covering all aspects before, so I may go all-out on that one.