A mod idea...

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Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
Well, I had a great idea for a mod... only problem is that I suck at Java. Oh, don't get me wrong, I can generally look at an error message and tell you what went wrong and generally where, but that's about the limit of what I can do with Java. And, unfortunately, this is going to be a LOT of complex java coding.

The idea was... well, I got the idea from Mellianaire, only working within the system rather than building up a foreign one which has... issues. Code the vanilla (and mod-added) villagers with a more complex AI. Give them actual jobs which they can perform. Most of them wouldn't require more complex AI than, say, a TC3 Golem. The 'farmer' villager, for example, would be no more complex than a 'brainy straw golem' which harvests and re-plants and re-tills their crops.

In some ways, this would almost be like making villager 'Turtles'. They would run on food for their 'fuel'. Therefore, farmers would harvest and re-plant crops, and deposit it in the 'town hall'. When villagers get hungry, they go to the town hall for food. Town hall would likely have on staff a 'trader' which has access to any of the products made in surplus by the village, a 'baker' who turns the raw food items into food (for example, would turn wheat into bread, cook potatoes into baked potatoes).

I had an idea for the following villager 'types':

  • Farmer - harvests and re-plants farms, and also expands them to their largest capacity (i.e. 4 blocks on either side).
  • Smith - smelts ores, turns ores into equipment. Can also build vanilla Iron Golem for city defense.
  • Baker - makes food items out of raw materials
  • Builder - creates new structures, upgrades old ones, makes sure that there are well-maintained paths between buildings
  • Lumberjack - Plants and collects trees for wood, apples, and saplings
  • Guard - attacks hostile mobs within city limits. Will equip himself with gear from the Smith.
  • Rancher - will breed and slaughter animals, bringing resultant products to the town center
  • Leader - This is the guy that players interact with. Buy/sell items with a better GUI. Player might also be able to teach new concepts, which then are dispersed among the village.
Mod-created villagers could also have some AI built into them, with hooks to detect if the relevant mods are active
  • Beekeper - re-breeds bees when they expire, also occasionally makes new frames. Giving him a supply of various materials might enable him to make better items, the resultant combs might also end up 'for sale'.
  • Thaumcraft - Given access to Scribing Materials, can eventually produce a small quantity of Knowledge Fragments. Given access to Alembics, a Crucible, and some Phials, he might start experimenting and have some essences to put into the community storage for sale.
  • Mystcraft - Given access to books, feathers, and other materials, he might start discovering various symbols which would be for sale.
The thing is... I could probably get turtles which can do all of these things (well, maybe not create knowledge fragments and such, but all of the manual AI), so it *should* be at least -possible- to pull off with a minimal amount of lag. I just have no clue how to actually pull this off.

Also, to prevent exploitation of the system:
  • Villagers use 'locked chests' which cannot be crafted and are useless to players. Basically, it's similar to the IC2 personal safe, in that only the person who 'owns' the chest can access the inventory, but only a Villager can 'own' a locked chest. Also, when broken, it returns nothing, and all items contained therein are destroyed.
  • Any items which can have an ownership flag are 'locked' to the villagers, meaning the player is not allowed to interact with them in any meaningful way.
  • Taking items, breaking important blocks, or otherwise 'griefing' the village will incur their wrath, and they will treat you as 'hostile'. Including any Iron Golems they have hanging around, similar to Zombie Pigmen. Also similar to Zombie Pigmen, they stay mad with you for long periods of time.
Then, based on some other hassles with villages, plus some of the responses already:

  • Tweak village spawn locations so that they only spawn in a relatively flat area. Basically, if there is more than a deviation of 5 on the Y axis, village can't spawn there.
  • Relatively flat village, with a layer of cobblestone as the 'foundation' for the town so that you don't have gravel falling down things like ravines. Also makes it easier to get pathing proper.
  • Swamp villages are still possible, the village is just built on stilts, with cobblestone foundation for the gravel pathways.
So, if anyone out there with Java coding can give me an idea of what kind of a headache I'm setting myself up for... that'd be great. If anyone wants to take my idea and run with it... that's great too.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Villages are pretty lame ATM - basically they're a place to raid early-game loot and food. Something like this would go a long way toward making them interesting.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There was a mod much like this in 1.2.5. I'll be stuffed if I can remember the name of it though. You could create villages that were semi-self-sufficient, manage what the villagers did, and generally have a SimVillage experience in Minecraft. Wasn't a lot of point to it in the end, and took a TON of computer resources for all those NPCs and their AIs.

The 'leader' concept makes your idea sound similar to Millenaire, which adds a number of settlements you can trade with and help improved, do quests for, etc.


Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
Seems like you're talking about something like this;


There are other mods like it, but I can't think of their names. There's also Tale of Kingdoms, but that's a bit different.
And if you will read the OP, I will mention that. However, the problem with Millenaire is that it has an entirely different system with its own villagers, and one which has... significant quirks. I was wanting to integrate this into what is already present in minecraft rather than creating a totally separate system.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
this would make villages much much more interesting and viable, nowadays the only result building home base near a village is maybe quick trading... maybe... and a large amount of dead villagers... (from seiges) these would improve the game quite a bit


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
what always bugged me is that the apiaries of beekeepers in villagers are not locked, and thus unable to be taken. forestry has such a good permit system build in, but doesn't use it for this. and if the problem is that people wouldn't be able to destroy them if they needed it to be cleared, then killing for example the beekeeper would destroy the apiaries aswell. but I do agree that villagers should be changed ALOT, they are just useless right now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I like pretty much everything mentioned here. But I'd also like to suggest that better village placements could be incorporated... to stop some of the ridiculous village spawns I've seen... Village in a tree... yeah that's smart...
I've changed my configs to only allow villages in flat-ish biomes, but I'd suggest adding something like that maybe.
Otherwise, in the words of Direwolf: "I like pretty much everything about that"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There was a mod much like this in 1.2.5. I'll be stuffed if I can remember the name of it though. You could create villages that were semi-self-sufficient, manage what the villagers did, and generally have a SimVillage experience in Minecraft. Wasn't a lot of point to it in the end, and took a TON of computer resources for all those NPCs and their AIs.

I think the mod you're talking of is minecolony. I have only played with it for about 5 minutes in creative... Seems like it isn't maintained anymore.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I really like this idea, I love mods that add/ improve NPCs (which sucks there aren't that many of out there.) it makes villages actually seem like villages, not just "that place you can get free stuff."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah this might be a bit to much if you have no real programming experience.

I was in a similar situation myself some time ago. I got motivated by how quick I learned to get rather complex things done with lua, and I had an idea for a mod too, so I gave it a shot and began looking into java tutorials and asking around a bit like you.

I had to find out that it would take much more time and effort than I could spend to get it done in a realistic timeframe.
I think it would take at least some months to be comfortable with java before you can actually begin to write the thing. And then comes the hardest part, debugging it. For me it would have taken years probably...

But it is a great idea, so I don't want to discourage you, if you are really determined and have the time, go for it!
And maybe you are way smarter than me and you can get it done in two weeks! ;)
Even if you shouldn't get it done, you will learn much on the way...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Love the idea. You forgot the Village Drunk, however. Wastes resources, gets in scraps with the Guards, perhaps makes annoying noises. Like Noober from Baldur's Gate! No penalty for killing him, gives you xp if you tolerate him long enough. I digress.


Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
Yeah this might be a bit to much if you have no real programming experience.

I was in a similar situation myself some time ago. I got motivated by how quick I learned to get rather complex things done with lua, and I had an idea for a mod too, so I gave it a shot and began looking into java tutorials and asking around a bit like you.

I had to find out that it would take much more time and effort than I could spend to get it done in a realistic timeframe.
I think it would take at least some months to be comfortable with java before you can actually begin to write the thing. And then comes the hardest part, debugging it. For me it would have taken years probably...

But it is a great idea, so I don't want to discourage you, if you are really determined and have the time, go for it!
And maybe you are way smarter than me and you can get it done in two weeks! ;)
Even if you shouldn't get it done, you will learn much on the way...
I wouldn't say I have *NO* real programming experience, just that I don't speak 'Java'. I've done coding in FORTRAN, COBOL, and was just starting to dabble in C++ when I got out of the field, BASIC and Pascal I picked up in high school. I'm familiar with the logic of programming, and the various conceptual processes, I'm just not familiar with the precise syntax required.

Perhaps I should go pull out a Java tutorial or three and maybe tackle a couple of easier mods first before trying this?