A few noob questions!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First, how do you pick up MystCraft books? I've tried right clicking, and it just opens up the book. Shift right click does the same. Left click just damages the book. Any tips? I know it's something obvious...........

When using TE machines, is there a way to pull items from an adjacent chest into the pulverizer? I have it set up so it pulls items from the pulverizer into the furnace and from the furnace into a chest, but I can't figure out a way to pull from a chest (outside of using a wooden pipe/engine).

I had a set up with three steam engines powering my TE machines, but they kept blowing up. I had them connected to the aqueous accumulator and everything, any ideas why they would explode?

And lastly, the filler. I was using one to clear out areas, but I'm having a heck of a time with my landmarks. Any tips on using those? Or fillers in general?

Oh and a bit OT: will there be a public listing of codes for the private packs at some point?

I'm very new at anything outside of vanilla MC. I appreciate the help! :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First, how do you pick up MystCraft books? I've tried right clicking, and it just opens up the book. Shift right click does the same. Left click just damages the book. Any tips? I know it's something obvious...........

When using TE machines, is there a way to pull items from an adjacent chest into the pulverizer? I have it set up so it pulls items from the pulverizer into the furnace and from the furnace into a chest, but I can't figure out a way to pull from a chest (outside of using a wooden pipe/engine).

I had a set up with three steam engines powering my TE machines, but they kept blowing up. I had them connected to the aqueous accumulator and everything, any ideas why they would explode?

And lastly, the filler. I was using one to clear out areas, but I'm having a heck of a time with my landmarks. Any tips on using those? Or fillers in general?

Oh and a bit OT: will there be a public listing of codes for the private packs at some point?

I'm very new at anything outside of vanilla MC. I appreciate the help! :)

- shift+rightclick should work but you can also rightclick and then click on the book in the window that opens to pick it up

- afaik TE machines dont pull automatically from inventorys, they just output

- aqueous accumulators don't need energy

- be more specific, what's your problem with the landmarks?

- no idea...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I could have swore shift+right click worked for me...

TE machines eject, not pull. You'll have to use a Wooden Pipe and Autarchic Gate for that, or something from Redpower.

Hobbyist Steam Engines? Did they blow up when you walked to your base from somewhere, perhaps? If a water source and engines are in different chunks, it can cause engines to not get the water they need once the chunk with the water gets unloaded.

To clear out areas with the filler, just use three landmarks, assuming you want it open to the sky. One at the corner you'll be placing the filler and two at the adjacent corners. Right click the middle corner before placing the Filler. Give it the pattern for flattening.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First, how do you pick up MystCraft books? I've tried right clicking, and it just opens up the book. Shift right click does the same. Left click just damages the book. Any tips? I know it's something obvious...........

Your hand needs to be empty when you shift+right click

When using TE machines, is there a way to pull items from an adjacent chest into the pulverizer? I have it set up so it pulls items from the pulverizer into the furnace and from the furnace into a chest, but I can't figure out a way to pull from a chest (outside of using a wooden pipe/engine).

Use a relay

I had a set up with three steam engines powering my TE machines, but they kept blowing up. I had them connected to the aqueous accumulator and everything, any ideas why they would explode?

it is more likely that it was the pipes that exploded, if there is nowhere for the power to go... boom.

And lastly, the filler. I was using one to clear out areas, but I'm having a heck of a time with my landmarks. Any tips on using those? Or fillers in general?

need more info to help, sorry

Oh and a bit OT: will there be a public listing of codes for the private packs at some point?

no idea.

I'm very new at anything outside of vanilla MC. I appreciate the help! :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For the landmarks:
Place the first, put a lever beside it and activate it. You should get blue beams, so you can easier align the other marks. To define a full cuboid, you need one aligning landmark per axis. For the flattening pattern 3 marks for a rectangle are enough, like Silvas said.
After placing all marks, rightclick the original landmark and the chosen area should now have red beams defining the edges. Place the filler, configure it, give it power and watch the blocks fall :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ah okay, so you right click the landmarks before placing the filler? That was probably my issue. I couldn't ever seem to get the yellow/black outlines!

Thanks so much guys! You're fabulous :)