7 Silverwood trees, 2 saplings

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If they don't fix it people will just cheat in their seeds so it's not better and just creates anger toward them for not doing anything.
You can't fix what is not broken.

As the Wiki might state, the rate is 1-2 saplings, but think of it as an average number. Sometimes you are lucky and get more, sometimes you get less. That's how average works.
Their average doesn't work so it's broken. 1-2 means I get 1-2 per tree which is not the case so either they change the text to 0-2 and generate 4 or 5 times more trees so we don't have to walk 3000m from our base to see one or they fix the code so the sentence is true.
I was testing for that before takin' a look at the code, 600 leaf blocks and I haven't seen a sappling yet, but I do believe that it will work.

Azanor has already stated that shearing or chainsawing a silverwood tree's leaves will not yield saplings ever. That's why there are some questions about sapling drops, especially regarding stuff like RP2's sickle (they seem to have a similar drop rate as being broken, but would need to try it on like 10000 trees -_-). Also, block breakers from RP@ won't work on the leaves to give saplings, and neither will the wand of equal trade (no leaves or saplings with the wand).
No. 1-2 per tree on average would never guarantee you a sapling.

If you cut down 10 trees, you could end out with 0 saplings, but the next time you cut down 10 trees you could end out with 40 saplings. This would give you an average of 20 saplings per 10 trees or 2 saplings per tree.

It's like gambling. Say you play roulette.
We know there are an equal amount of red and black numbers (Not looking at 00 here)
That would give you a 50% chance of winning. By your logic you would only need to play 2 times and then walk away with 1 guaranteed win.
That is NOT true.
Since it's only a chance of winning you might as well loose 1.000 times in a row before you win.

Do you always expect one block of gravel to give you one flint as well?

Chance is not the same as guarantee.
The text for the gravel says 10% chance to drop so it's fine, the text for the Silverwood tree said 1-2 before. Now it reflects reality. Too bad they won't change the drop, we'll have to continue cheating.
I'm not sure if you understand what the other people who are on this thread are saying.

The code is 1/500. Maybe some simpler terms could help?

A quarter can be flipped. Heads or tails. 50/50. That means there is a 50 percent chance to get heads, and a 50 percent chance to get tails.
You flip the coin and get heads. Then you flip it and get heads again. Then you flip it and get heads AGAIN!
Is the quarter broken? No. It's easy to check with such equal numbers though. Flipping the quarter 100 times should get you accurate readings. Not the best, but somewhat accurate. I can see 41 heads and 59 tails as being reasonable.

Now, we'll use the numbers (the big, BIG numbers implemented by the rarest and most valuable tree in FtB).
You "flip a coin" (break a leaf block) and get tails. No sapling. If you did this 100 times, it'd still be possible to not get a sapling.

Now, do this 10,000 times. You should get 20 saplings. Now, this may *will* not happen. You may get 40, or even 0! Maybe 1,000,000 times will show more accurate readings. 2000 saplings. Break 1 million leaves and I will be surprised if you do not get at least 1,000 saplings.

Perhaps looking up "probability" online will help you understand why you do not have to cheat. But it's not my game, when I cheat anything (down to a block of dirt) I feel like the game no longer has value to me. Do what you wish :)
I don't think he had an understanding problem, he was just referring to an invalid text but as I said it's fixed now.
Azanor has already stated that shearing or chainsawing a silverwood tree's leaves will not yield saplings ever. That's why there are some questions about sapling drops, especially regarding stuff like RP2's sickle (they seem to have a similar drop rate as being broken, but would need to try it on like 10000 trees -_-). Also, block breakers from RP@ won't work on the leaves to give saplings, and neither will the wand of equal trade (no leaves or saplings with the wand).

That's the thing, this depends mostly on how the tool is programmed. The sickle simply breaks blocks in an area. Therefore the same code is called as if you broke everything by hand. The wand... is different although it works in some regards just like if you broke it, I'm sure there's some special casing for not letting you get illegal stuff. As far as the chainsaw goes, well, I'm not sure, it might be that it's again simply breaking the leaves and then also dropping them, in that case, it should work. If it shears the leaves and then tries to drop the drops by itself, then it won't cause blocmagicleaves is structured slightly differently. Regardless, if you're using a tool which calls the standard function for breaking the block, then the chance to get a sapling is 0,2%. Really, the code for dropping saplings doesn't look up what tool you broke it with.

EDIT: Done another 600 leaf blocks, still nothing. I'm starting to think that you're right :). Not that I'm surprised.
So far, I've only gotten saplings when letting the leaves decay by themselves, with an average of 1 sapling per tree when I do that.

If I break the leaves myself (sickle, hand, chainsaw) I get no saplings.
I managed to get lucky and got 3 saplings from a single tree using the sickle. Was in a Mystcraft age and had gotten tired of the 500m walks between trees, so I just plodded along and chopped em down and sickled the leaves. Ended up leaving with something like 3 1/2 stacks of silver wood and 7 saplings after traveling over 3 km.

Speaking of, what's a good mystcraft setup to find silverwood trees :X My overworld sadly has a rather impressive lack of them and I don't want to explore it too much due to possible new world gen.

Edit: You might be on to something, every single tree I removed the leaves from using the excavation wand gave 1-3 saplings so far. every tree I've let rot....0

Just let another two trees rot and got 3 off of em, so about the same rate the op was getting em -_-
Plains, Meadows, etc any flat biome will do. I spawned a pains Mystcraft age and there were 3 silverwood trees and 2 greatwoods within 100 blocks.
So far, I've only gotten saplings when letting the leaves decay by themselves, with an average of 1 sapling per tree when I do that.

If I break the leaves myself (sickle, hand, chainsaw) I get no saplings.

As I mentioned before, you can indeed get them with the sickle, as I got several from a single tree once. The method I tended to get saplings more often from was using the Wand of Excavation on the leaves that was mentioned earlier in the thread, but that could just be a massive coincidence since getting the saplings at all is just a random pile of luck.

@War Even those numbers seem kinda low when compared to the massive amounts of silverwood trees in jungle hills back in 1.2.5. I used one seed and it ended up spawning about 15 trees in a 5x5 chunk grid. I don't expect to see that many with them dropping saplings now though, but hopefully I'll end up with a good age to grab some. Decided to restart on a different seed to refine my methods of starting a map and early production lines. So far it goes:
if spawn near village, secure the villagers by making sure they can enter/leave houses, surrounding the village with fences, destroy small houses that are out of the way, fill in holes, and eventually force villagers into stalls
Clear land for temporary house, build a fence around it, make some stone bricks to place my ladders on for tunneling
if day, gather farm animals and pen them in the chunks around my house for easy access
if night, dig underground if temporary base is built, if not hide in the nearby village since that's why it's not built yet
if in need of ingots, use slag furnace if pulverizor or induction furnace unavailable

On this iteration I managed to get lucky with a priest, blacksmith and butcher. The butcher will take all the raw steak I'll end up getting from slaughtering cows, the blacksmith's first trade is iirc 11-12 emeralds for a diamond sword, and the first two trades on the priest are an emerald for 3 glowstone and an emerald for 3 redstone. I also have some villagers that will take wheat, chicken, fish, and wool for emeralds. Hopefully one of them will get a trade for shears : /
I can also confirm that the Redpower sickle can cause Silverwood tree drops. I haven't seen any when breaking by hand or by shears, but the number of leaves I've broken by those methods is tiny.

The probabilities seem to be scaled so that on average, you get less than one sapling per tree. This makes Silverwood trees a finite resource. Or at least as finite as you can get in a world that cannot be explored in a human life span.
Go figure, in my new world the very first silverwood tree I found was covered in oil...and the very first tree I actually decided to chop down, the first leaves I broke with a sickle gave me a sapling.

Another thing to note, turning on bonus chests seems to change passive animal spawns -_-
When in my first version of a world to see if it held the plant and animal life I would need it had 4 different cow spawns as well as some nearby rubber trees. When I added a bonus chest, none of those 4 spawns had cows - they were replaced by chickens, wolves, pigs, and sheep. Also, there was a massive increase in the chickens in the mini-jungle north of where I was compared to before and the rubber trees couldn't be found (might not be directly related).

So I made a copy of that world and ran it with the bonus chest as well and explored and, other than a few of the trees, the lack of a barrow mound, the obvious oil differences, and only one cow spawn everything was the same. All the places that how cows with the first non-bonus chest version were replaced by the same animals in the same spots in the copy of the world that used the bonus chest. The only difference I saw other than the obvious was the one rubber tree not being there in my survival version, and one of the two cows spawns not being in the survival version. Everything else was similar including the massive amount of chickens that didn't spawn in the non-chest version.