Good Day
This server is operated by 40HoursADay gaming community. This is a Direwolf20 .25 server. We do update often when the mod pack updates. We have also installed Galacticraft if you are whitelisted you will be given some modified config files. We are mainly a group of friends who just enjoy playing games. This server is mainly the same, but we are looking to build on it. So any one who is also interested in server building is welcome. Most of our members are in there mid to late 20's. Things like spawn have not been completed yet. Our servers physical location is in the Los Angeles U.S. Its a decated server from creeper host, so the connection is good. If you are selected then a PM will be sent to you.
P.S. We also custom code mods so from time to time you may have to install a mod for its final stages of testing on the server.
EssentialsAntiBuild "For any who manage to get into the server who is not allowed"
EssentialsGroupManager "manage permissions"
Essentials "Stuff that is hard to live without"
EssentialsProtect "part of essentials"
EssentialsSpawn "seems like it explains its self"
MobHunting "Server Eco"
Multiverse-Core "world managment"
Vault "Server Eco"
WorldEdit "Admins use"
Server rules
1. Respect other players.
2. No griefing, stealing or destroying others property.
3. No PVP or killing another player without consent of other player.
4. ABSOLUTELY NO USE OF ANY RACIAL, SEXUAL, OR OFFENSIVE SLURS. (Will result in an immediate kick/ban)
5. Must build over 500 blocks from spawn
6. NO strip mining or quarrying in the overworld "there is a quarry world for that"
7. 18 years or older please
We have a teamspeak server, players are encouraged to use it but it is not mandatory.
Server Specs
5 cores
U.S. Based
"We will expand as needed"
Minecraft experince:
Recording: Y\N
Teamspeak: Y\N
Server builder: Y/N "good ether way"
Why should we whitelist you?:
Questions or comments:
This server is operated by 40HoursADay gaming community. This is a Direwolf20 .25 server. We do update often when the mod pack updates. We have also installed Galacticraft if you are whitelisted you will be given some modified config files. We are mainly a group of friends who just enjoy playing games. This server is mainly the same, but we are looking to build on it. So any one who is also interested in server building is welcome. Most of our members are in there mid to late 20's. Things like spawn have not been completed yet. Our servers physical location is in the Los Angeles U.S. Its a decated server from creeper host, so the connection is good. If you are selected then a PM will be sent to you.
P.S. We also custom code mods so from time to time you may have to install a mod for its final stages of testing on the server.
EssentialsAntiBuild "For any who manage to get into the server who is not allowed"
EssentialsGroupManager "manage permissions"
Essentials "Stuff that is hard to live without"
EssentialsProtect "part of essentials"
EssentialsSpawn "seems like it explains its self"
MobHunting "Server Eco"
Multiverse-Core "world managment"
Vault "Server Eco"
WorldEdit "Admins use"
Server rules
1. Respect other players.
2. No griefing, stealing or destroying others property.
3. No PVP or killing another player without consent of other player.
4. ABSOLUTELY NO USE OF ANY RACIAL, SEXUAL, OR OFFENSIVE SLURS. (Will result in an immediate kick/ban)
5. Must build over 500 blocks from spawn
6. NO strip mining or quarrying in the overworld "there is a quarry world for that"
7. 18 years or older please
We have a teamspeak server, players are encouraged to use it but it is not mandatory.
Server Specs
5 cores
U.S. Based
"We will expand as needed"
Minecraft experince:
Recording: Y\N
Teamspeak: Y\N
Server builder: Y/N "good ether way"
Why should we whitelist you?:
Questions or comments: