3 FPS While Playing DireWolf20 1.6.4 Modpack

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You can have higher FPS but no random FPS drops... Naa that seems impossible. My average framerate is like 120 fps when things are calm but it can drop to like 20 due to mod bugs/ having a lot of crap going on at once.
20 is good, but the only time I have 20 is when it is calm, if I have 50 machines and infusion going at once it crashes


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I usually start off around 40-50fps and as time goes by my fps drops till about 20 odd then it's too annoying so I restart my client. Occasionally though for no seemingly good reason it will drop to 2fps usually after I teleport and I have to restart the client. I noticed my base is getting choppy on frames but I guess I have ALOT running there now hah, hoping to find a way to bump frames right up again, i'm also using ati card, hd6870 and latest java.