What is the bug:
You can not get the first achievement in expert mode because you can not "craft" the sacrificial orb.
Mod & Version: log:
Can it be repeated:
Yes, make the sacrificial orb in expert mode.
Known Fix:
Add recipe using minetweaker, this is slightly more expensive as 8 coagulated blood costs 1280 blood instead of 1000.
What is the bug:
You can not get the first achievement in expert mode because you can not "craft" the sacrificial orb.
Mod & Version: log:
Can it be repeated:
Yes, make the sacrificial orb in expert mode.
Known Fix:
Add recipe using minetweaker, this is slightly more expensive as 8 coagulated blood costs 1280 blood instead of 1000.
# --- Sacrificial Orb/Knife Achhievement Fix
recipes.addShapeless(<AWWayofTime:sacrificialKnife>, [<AWWayofTime:sacrificialKnife>]);
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