Hello all, and welcome to my first public modpack. SimpleTech is a minimalist technology modpack centered around the extremely well balanced Progressive Automation mod (by Vanhal) in combination with Flux Ducts, Hopper Ducts, and Redstone Paste (all by FyberOptic), but with the intent of still maintaining a vanilla-like feel overall. Other mods added to this pack expand on this theme, or introduce small-but-handy features (ie: J.A.C.B.), and have been configured so that they do not necessarily replace vanilla Minecraft options.
Feed-The-Beast 3rd Party Packs / Pack Code: simpletech
Current Recommended Version: 1.0.2
Following is a list of mods within this pack:
AllTheItems by FyberOptic
Auto Sapling by lemonszz
Chameleon by Jaquadro
Fast Leave Decay by lumien231
Flux Ducts by FyberOptic
Forge/FML by LexManos, cpw
Giacomo’s Foundry by Zacomat
Hardcore Darkness by lumien231
Hopper Ducts by FyberOptic
Just Another Crafting Bench by Vanhal
Just Backpacks by FyberOptic
Lattice Mod by FyberOptic
Parachute Mod by crackedEgg
Progressive Automation by Vanhal
Redstone Paste by FyberOptic
Simple Refinement by FyberOptic
Sound Filters by Tmtravlr
Storage Drawers by Jaquadro
Auto Sapling by lemonszz
Chameleon by Jaquadro
Fast Leave Decay by lumien231
Flux Ducts by FyberOptic
Forge/FML by LexManos, cpw
Giacomo’s Foundry by Zacomat
Hardcore Darkness by lumien231
Hopper Ducts by FyberOptic
Just Another Crafting Bench by Vanhal
Just Backpacks by FyberOptic
Lattice Mod by FyberOptic
Parachute Mod by crackedEgg
Progressive Automation by Vanhal
Redstone Paste by FyberOptic
Simple Refinement by FyberOptic
Sound Filters by Tmtravlr
Storage Drawers by Jaquadro
In addition to the universal mods, the following client-side mods are also included in this pack, but are disabled by default:
ArmorStatusHUD by bspkrs (requires bspkrsCore)
Better Foliage by Octarine Noise
DirectionHUD by bspkrs (requires bspkrsCore)
NotEnoughItems (requires CodeChickenCore)
StatusEffectHUD by bspkrs (requires bspkrsCore)
W.A.I.L.A. by ProfMobius
Xaero’s Minimap by xaero96
Better Foliage by Octarine Noise
DirectionHUD by bspkrs (requires bspkrsCore)
NotEnoughItems (requires CodeChickenCore)
StatusEffectHUD by bspkrs (requires bspkrsCore)
W.A.I.L.A. by ProfMobius
Xaero’s Minimap by xaero96
The following server-side mods are also included, and are intended to assist in multi-player servers:
Ingot Economy by wvaviator
Land Defender by wvaviator
These two mods, while still in beta, were intended as a simple alternative to having to use Bukket / Spigot / etc for in-game economy mechanics and grief protection.
Land Defender by wvaviator
These two mods, while still in beta, were intended as a simple alternative to having to use Bukket / Spigot / etc for in-game economy mechanics and grief protection.
Version history, known issues, and other information about this pack can been found with the following link:
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