I shouldn't be surprised, my luck with other worlds being what it is, turns out there was somebody else in that empty world, and they where experimenting with expanding the range and power of portals. They pushed just a little too hard, the entire world collapsed. I fell out. Out is the only world for it, picture standing on the inside of a balloon when it pops.
This new world, thin. I can feel just how thin it is. Magic in the very air. It feels good after the stark dry lack of magic in the last one. If even technology can push too far, then there's no reason not to use every tool I can.
So, I landed...
Those towering peaks, they remind me of the mountains near my last base, and I admit I felt an urge...
Thoughts of linking the mountain tops with platforms and bridges. Living high in the air above the world. It might be safer then being down here with the monsters. I will see what the world brings me, but first I must make myself safe against the monsters. There's a small scrubland of a forest, a few blocks of wood quickly stolen while trying to stay out of the thorns, then right up the side of the mountain.
About halfway up, a spot slightly tricky to reach, having to drop down from slightly further up, there was a large patch of dirt in the wall. With my hands I carved out this small hole. Enough to keep me safe for the night. I remembered how useful the tools from the tinker clan where, and started to construct the tables and benches, but the materials didn't quite respond the way I remembered, something fragile about them. Stone shattered without even fitting onto the tool rod. Still, wood tools worked for the stone. I dug down into the most amazing caverns I'd ever seen, and soon I found copper.
Back to the surface, break a few seeds, punch some sand, some gravel, clay from the edge of the scub and the stone into a furnace....
Oh, and...
Without iron and technology, a bucket of clay for the lava to heat my smeltery. I also had to go back down and dig for aluminium. Realized that I'd no gold, and no way to get it, so I needed that to blend with the copper so I could make the molds, or else there was no point to the lava.
The smallest possible structure. Copper melted down, my tool repaired, and back into the mines. Now I was able to collect some iron. I needed three for a bucket, four for a watering can, more for the pick... Not going to be enough for armor though. Much of the iron has been a poor substance giving only nuggets. A fuel hungry process to refine it, and rough on my tools to collect it. Even when I've been able to pry tin from the hard rock and make myself something as durable as bronze it does not last long enough.
This offers a solution though. Ancient bone. I was able to harvest a number of these blocks to make a set of armor and a sharp little blade. Not as impressive as what the tinkers provide but light and swift. This will keep me safe until I can get the resources for something more. As long as I keep my garden out here, monsters should have trouble reaching me.
Still, even if I sit here with the watering can, a small field is slow in growing. I am almost always hungry. One can live with this, but to live too long without variety will pale. It does not satisfy. From the cliffs I saw there is a bit of a field beyond, I'll have to try to get some seeds from there. More wood from the scrub and forest. Then maybe I can stop thinking bare survival in this strange land.
AE2 Stuff
Another one bites the dust
applied energistics
atum: Journey into the sands
Bibliocraft: Bibliowoods biomes o'plenty edition
Bibliocraft: Bibliowoods Natura Edition
Biomes O' Plenty
Blood Magic
Blue Power
Botania (r1.7-221) (Sorry Vaskii)
CoFH Core
Colourful Portals Mod
Crafting Pillars mod
Deadly World
Ender IO
Ender Zoo
Extra Achivements
Extra Utilities
Floating Ruins
Forbidden Magic
Hardcore Ender Expansion
Hunger Overhaul
Iguanas Tinker Tweeks
Inventory Tweeks
Lava Monsters
Mapwriter 2
NEI Addons
NEI Intergration
Nodal Mechanics
Pam's BoneCraft
Pam's Harvest the Nether
Pam's HarvestCraft
Progressive Automation
Redstone Arsenal
Simply Jetpacks
Solar Flux
Special Mobs
Thaumcraft Mob Aspects
Thaumcraft NEI Plugin (DjGiannuz version)
Thaumic Tinkerer
The Erebus
The Elysium
The Spice of Life
The Twilight Forest
Thermal Dynamics
Thermal Expansion
Themal Foundation
TiC Tooltips
Tinkers Construct
Tinkers' Mechworks
UBC Ore Registar
Waila Harvestability
WAILA Plugins
Wawla - What Are We Looking At
Highly modified CFG files, mostly for "balance"
Another one bites the dust
applied energistics
atum: Journey into the sands
Bibliocraft: Bibliowoods biomes o'plenty edition
Bibliocraft: Bibliowoods Natura Edition
Biomes O' Plenty
Blood Magic
Blue Power
Botania (r1.7-221) (Sorry Vaskii)
CoFH Core
Colourful Portals Mod
Crafting Pillars mod
Deadly World
Ender IO
Ender Zoo
Extra Achivements
Extra Utilities
Floating Ruins
Forbidden Magic
Hardcore Ender Expansion
Hunger Overhaul
Iguanas Tinker Tweeks
Inventory Tweeks
Lava Monsters
Mapwriter 2
NEI Addons
NEI Intergration
Nodal Mechanics
Pam's BoneCraft
Pam's Harvest the Nether
Pam's HarvestCraft
Progressive Automation
Redstone Arsenal
Simply Jetpacks
Solar Flux
Special Mobs
Thaumcraft Mob Aspects
Thaumcraft NEI Plugin (DjGiannuz version)
Thaumic Tinkerer
The Erebus
The Elysium
The Spice of Life
The Twilight Forest
Thermal Dynamics
Thermal Expansion
Themal Foundation
TiC Tooltips
Tinkers Construct
Tinkers' Mechworks
UBC Ore Registar
Waila Harvestability
WAILA Plugins
Wawla - What Are We Looking At
Highly modified CFG files, mostly for "balance"
I shouldn't be surprised, my luck with other worlds being what it is, turns out there was somebody else in that empty world, and they where experimenting with expanding the range and power of portals. They pushed just a little too hard, the entire world collapsed. I fell out. Out is the only world for it, picture standing on the inside of a balloon when it pops.
This new world, thin. I can feel just how thin it is. Magic in the very air. It feels good after the stark dry lack of magic in the last one. If even technology can push too far, then there's no reason not to use every tool I can.
So, I landed...

Those towering peaks, they remind me of the mountains near my last base, and I admit I felt an urge...

Thoughts of linking the mountain tops with platforms and bridges. Living high in the air above the world. It might be safer then being down here with the monsters. I will see what the world brings me, but first I must make myself safe against the monsters. There's a small scrubland of a forest, a few blocks of wood quickly stolen while trying to stay out of the thorns, then right up the side of the mountain.

About halfway up, a spot slightly tricky to reach, having to drop down from slightly further up, there was a large patch of dirt in the wall. With my hands I carved out this small hole. Enough to keep me safe for the night. I remembered how useful the tools from the tinker clan where, and started to construct the tables and benches, but the materials didn't quite respond the way I remembered, something fragile about them. Stone shattered without even fitting onto the tool rod. Still, wood tools worked for the stone. I dug down into the most amazing caverns I'd ever seen, and soon I found copper.
Back to the surface, break a few seeds, punch some sand, some gravel, clay from the edge of the scub and the stone into a furnace....
Oh, and...

Without iron and technology, a bucket of clay for the lava to heat my smeltery. I also had to go back down and dig for aluminium. Realized that I'd no gold, and no way to get it, so I needed that to blend with the copper so I could make the molds, or else there was no point to the lava.

The smallest possible structure. Copper melted down, my tool repaired, and back into the mines. Now I was able to collect some iron. I needed three for a bucket, four for a watering can, more for the pick... Not going to be enough for armor though. Much of the iron has been a poor substance giving only nuggets. A fuel hungry process to refine it, and rough on my tools to collect it. Even when I've been able to pry tin from the hard rock and make myself something as durable as bronze it does not last long enough.

This offers a solution though. Ancient bone. I was able to harvest a number of these blocks to make a set of armor and a sharp little blade. Not as impressive as what the tinkers provide but light and swift. This will keep me safe until I can get the resources for something more. As long as I keep my garden out here, monsters should have trouble reaching me.

Still, even if I sit here with the watering can, a small field is slow in growing. I am almost always hungry. One can live with this, but to live too long without variety will pale. It does not satisfy. From the cliffs I saw there is a bit of a field beyond, I'll have to try to get some seeds from there. More wood from the scrub and forest. Then maybe I can stop thinking bare survival in this strange land.
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