[1.7.10] Upcoming Wilderness Survival Modpack - Looking for testers, graphics, and more


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Notice to the people of the FTB forums

As some of you may be aware, for the last month or so, I have been working on a new 3rd party peaceful modpack that is based on natural wilderness survival. I am keeping the details of the pack under wraps because I plan to do a big reveal once it is ready. However most of the initial work on the pack is done, it just needs some finishing touches. I have submitted a beta version of the pack onto the launcher because now is the time to get the community's help in the last phase before full release.

So obviously I need some people to help me test the pack. Again the pack is a peaceful survival pack about being alone in the wilderness and making a new life for yourself. Ensuring things are realistic is very important for this pack so that it will try to remain as close to true wilderness survival as possible. If you are an wilderness survival enthusiast, I implore you to help me test this pack, check it out for bugs, and give feedback to make it better.

I also need help in writing one script for minetweaker. I am not good with scripts, and have not been able to write any for any scripting language that was of any use, so i need some help.

If anyway is interest, please contact me privately. I will not be publicly posting the pack code until it is truly ready for full release and revealing.

Thank you in advance for any help on this pack.



P.S. I am also looking for help in creating the icon and splash screen graphics for the pack. The image for the icon just can be a simple as tent with a background that has blue for the sky and green or brown for the ground that the tent sits on. The image for the splash screen needs to be more complex, maybe with some forest and a log cabin or campsite, or anything else that resembles wilderness survival. Again, if you are interested in helping me create the splash, please contact me for the pack's actual title.

People Currently Helping in the Pack:
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