[1.7.10][TUTORIAL]Teagan's School of Thaumaturgy

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

This mod pack was designed for those who have little to no experience with Thaumcraft and is a fairly comprehensive walkthrough of Thaumcraft 4 plus a few of the more popular addons.

Pack Code: teaganschool1

The mini-game is turned off because in my opinion it hinders players from learning Thaumcraft. If you complete this mod pack, you will have the knowledge to beat the mini-game in packs that enable it.

are now in a template folder so you need to move one of them to your save folder or get them here.

It is ok to alter the build to suit your purposes. For instance, if you want to tear down the iron and gold statues for resources, feel free.

Known issues:

Sometimes when getting a warp affect, the Skyrim-like quest notification will black out your screen. The only way to fix this is to restart Minecraft. The dev is aware and working on a fix.

More Info:
The other mods are there to make the player's life easier. A questbook is included to take you from basic Thaumcraft to Eldritch to Ichorium. I try to make the concepts of Thaumcraft as simple and straightforward as possible.

You arrive at a school ready to begin your four year study in wizardry. Classrooms are designed to help you understand how to set up the large magical constructs needed.

I do not make players create everything in the mods because there is so much in Thaumcraft 4 alone. What I do is touch on the important parts of Thaumcraft and have you make and experiment with some of the fun items yet give warnings against using more destructive items. This modpack is designed to make beginners feel confident without watching several tutorials online.

If you want to play this on a server, there is plenty of room left in the school for players to spread out and make their own bases.

Map made by http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/hogwarts-51840/





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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Didn't play long yet, but so far I can already say: Fantastic modpack!

Really a nice way to teach/learn Thaumcraft, especially since you added some advices for what to scan at the beginning.
Already played through thaumcraft to the point where I couldn't see it anymore, but surely will play this modpack slowly to see what in the latergame I always missed to do :)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So glad you are enjoying it! I really wanted to give someone a fun way to learn Thaumcraft

Henry Link

Popular Member
Dec 23, 2012
USA - East Coast
Interesting idea. I'm pretty experienced at TC already. But very cool still. I did notice the scanning order is a little off at the back of the 1st class room.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Interesting idea. I'm pretty experienced at TC already. But very cool still. I did notice the scanning order is a little off at the back of the 1st class room.

Yes it is geared for new learners. What part of the back wall doesn't work? Or is it a preference difference?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think the problem is, that you actually have to look at waila while scanning.
The item-frames seem to have a very big hitbox for scanning, so it first looked like you cannot scan what you aim at (wants aspects of spirit and tools first), but once you notice you try to scan the wrong thing all works fine.
I mean when you try to scan the trapdoor, mossy cobble and so while just aiming upwards and not standing on the little pillars.

So in worst case - for people like me who looks at waila too little in these cases *smirks* - maybe a tiny hint about "watch what you aim at".


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah most players who I have seen play this pack has had the same issue with checking Waila to see if the item is really being scanned. They generally figure it out in very little time tho :) If I need a major update, I will make a note to say something about it in the questbook.

Henry Link

Popular Member
Dec 23, 2012
USA - East Coast
Yes it is geared for new learners. What part of the back wall doesn't work? Or is it a preference difference?
It works. But I had to go out of order to get it work. I would have to do it over again. But I think the first 8 steps were ok then I couldn't scan the mossy cobble until I everything else in the column. There were a couple of other that were out of order as well. But once you scanned everything it was fine.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It works. But I had to go out of order to get it work. I would have to do it over again. But I think the first 8 steps were ok then I couldn't scan the mossy cobble until I everything else in the column. There were a couple of other that were out of order as well. But once you scanned everything it was fine.

I tested the order quite a bit. It is more an issue with the top blocks being out of range than an order issue. If you don't see the name of the item you are scanning in Waila, it won't scan. I may do a map update and bring those blocks down.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
*starts up pack thinking it would take awhile*
*runs back shortly to quiet the music, in case it woke someone up at 4 AM* :)

Beautiful starting/learning area, and a very nice pack so far. I've never seen nor read Harry Potter in any major amount (no interest), but from what glimpses I have seen the place has that feel to it. The 'Alternate Start' map (in the templates folder) appears to be in Creative btw.

I plan to go through this in full, though I'm usually slow at it (RL and all). Kami in particular should be fun - I've never actually used that, or got very far in a pack that had it. :)

Some comments from the starting quests (and some questions on what's coming up):

-> Good to see lots of resources being available (i.e. blocks of iron, gold etc), but some are arranged as 'part of the build.' A note someplace stating if its OK to 'break the build' as needed would be good (since that varies from pack to pack).

-> Also, handing out a 'blank' Steve's Worktable may be jarring to complete MC newcomers (or even those new to that mod - which includes myself). Perhaps a short text mentioning what that is (it has no name btw?), how to get crafting grids and furnaces to show up (easy once you know how), and a nod to NEI for the rest (which have good explanations).

-> Last item (for the moment): Since the Eldritch tab (and beyond) are in play, are there any early quests discussing Warp, Flux etc and effective ways on combating or suppressing it? That's one of the main reasons I decided to try this, as Warp drives me absolutely batty - and has the potential to break interactions elsewhere (i.e. Milenaire (sp) villages you're trying to cultivate in Regrowth's end game). I would prefer not reaching for the config file and disabling Warp, as I've done in the past, and control it instead.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. Hehe I have never been timid about altering a map, but I get it. I will add a note to the OP that it is ok.

2. You are the 2nd person who was confused about the Steve's Workshop block. The name has been missing for a while now and is the mod dev's issue and he is aware. I tried giving a complete workshop block but the questbook gives a blank one each time. My intention was not to give a tutorial on mods added for convenience but I will see if there is room on the page to add a note about it.

3. I do not tell you how to combat warp until we get to Eldritch in the pack. That is intentional because the Eldritch tab will not open until you have reached a certain amount of permanent warp. There are three stages after that as well. If I tell you how to get rid of warp too soon, that tab will be increasingly harder to open up.

Edit: I believe I discuss ways of getting rid of Flux, but efficient ways do not become available till later even in the Thaumomonicon.

There is a known issue with the questbook I forgot to put in the OP. Sometimes when you get a warp affect, the Skyrim-like quest complete notification will black out the screen. To get rid of that, you will have to restart MC. The dev knows and is working on a fix. I will update the pack when the fix comes out.

Thanks for the feedback! Glad you are enjoying it.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You mentioned Regrowth which I never played all the way through. How was warp affecting the Millenaire villages or do you mean taint (the biome destroyer)?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The 'dread gaze' effect IIRC can damage whatever you're looking at, and I got hit with that while I was inside the village. Though I tried to turn away and out quickly, I still managed to 'tag' the chieftan's wife (D'oh!), who promptly tried to attack me on sight all the time. :/ She even glitched up and attacked me in the sky (which I admit was pretty impressive), since I flew in and out of there using the Botania tiara.

Eventually I was able to reset the villagers by switching dimensions. Usually the End is recommended for a reset like that (as coming back gives you the same effects associated with death), but I was able to use the Nether instead.

I never found Flux to be a huge issue in the mod. Between the mirrors and various mechanics available, its possible early on to configure things to deliver exact amounts of essentia around the place. Normally I prefer Thaumic Energistics for that, but some LPs I've been following have suggested an in-mod variant using crystallized essentia. I plan on experimenting with that here.

Most of the time my 'flubs with Flux' there came from throwing the wrong thing in a normal crucible - like my first two Fortune III pickaxes. *sigh*


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ouch! Well in that case, yes there are early game ways to remove warp but like I said, in the pack I don't go into it until you open Eldritch. In other packs you can get the tools necessary early enough


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
One more compliment:
The map is totally amazing :D
Well, I 'do' get lost half the time I search my way through the place... and probably the professors would throw me out for taking over the wand-recharging room. But being optimistic: I always find new places when I got lost *chuckles*

Still running with my nose against every painiting I find in the hope I find some sort of secret place. *smirks*


Oh yes and while speaking about the node-recharging room:
- Since the modpack is made to teach people new to thaumcraft: I think it would be good to give a hint about the "node tapping" and especially the "node preserver" researches in the quest which sends you to charge your first wand.
When being new and not knowing about the preserver-research you can easilly accidently destroy one of the nodes. (unless it was changed at some point that stabilized nodes are protected... been a while since I last played thaumcraft-beginnings ^^")
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I should probably make a note of players being able to destroy nodes in the world if they aren't careful. The nodes in the room cannot be destroyed (by draining that is) because they have an aspect on them that won't go in the wand. Later we open those research tabs to move forward. But yes a note of warning is probably a good idea.

Glad you are enjoying the map so much


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not familiar with the Guard related upgrades, so not sure if any of these are a bug or known mechanics.
1) When placing the Mace Arm on the golem, the upgrade disappears and does not show on him - even when picked up. The Top Hat does register.
2) I'm guessing that Accessesory upgrades don't drop when shift-clicking them to remove the upgrade? I know the 'shard' upgrades don't.

I am otherwise enjoying the progression so far, while also discovering how much I leaned on other mods. :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1) When placing the Mace Arm on the golem, the upgrade disappears and does not show on him - even when picked up. The Top Hat does register.

When I tested the mace arm, I believe it shows up on the arm of the golem.

2) I'm guessing that Accessesory upgrades don't drop when shift-clicking them to remove the upgrade? I know the 'shard' upgrades don't.

All upgrades will drop if you shift-click with the bell on the golem. There may be a chance to lose accessories if you shift-click - I think. I believe that warning can be found in the thaum book if it does exist.

Glad you are enjoying the pack and progression too!