Hello Folks!
I created a ModPack for JamPacked2, it's a SkyBlock with a "twist".
You can download it with FTB Launcher Third Party Public Pack Code: LANGO
Or with the Curse Voice, search for Langoliers at FTB Modpacks.
Current Version: Release v 1.0.1
- Finished the QuestBook, 140+ Quests
- Added AromaBackup Mod
- Added Steve's Addons
- Added Hunger Overhaul
- Updated All Mods to their Recommended Latests Version
I'm not doing this for money, but if you would like to help the project, visit is my Patreon page. Thanks!
- AE2Stuff
- Ancient Warfare
- AppleCore
- Applied Energistics2
- Aroma Backup
- Aroma Core
- Bacteria Mod
- Bdlib
- BiblioCraft
- BiblioWoods
- Big Reactors
- Binnie Mods
- Carpenters Blocks
- ChickenChunks
- Chisel
- ClockHud
- CodeChickenCore
- CoFH Core
- CoFH Lib
- Compact Machines
- Decocraft
- Ender IO
- Ender Zoo
- Ex-Astris
- Ex-Nihilo
- Extra Cells
- Extra Tic
- Extra Utilities
- Fast Leaf Decay
- Forestry
- Gendustry
- HardCore Questing Mode
- Hunger Overhaul
- IChun Utils
- Iguana Tinker Tweaks
- Inventory Tweaks
- Iron Chest
- Jabba
- Journey Map
- LockDown
- Mantle
- Metallurgy
- Metallurgy Core
- MineFactory Reloaded
- MineTweaker
- ModTweaker
- Natura
- Nei Addons
- Nei Integration
- Not Enough Itens
- Open Computers
- Harvescraft
- Project Red Base
- Project Red Integration
- Simply Jetpacks
- Siren Mod
- Spice of Life
- Steve's Factory Managers
- Steve's Addons
- Sync
- Tinkers Construct
- Thermal Dynamics
- Thermal Expansion
- Thermal Foundation
- TiC Tooltips
- ttCore
- VeinMiner
- Waila
- Waila Harvestability
- Waila Plugins
- Wireless Redstone CBE
- YuNoMakeGoodMap
Let's Play by FunshineX
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