[1.7.10][Public Unlisted Pack] Hellworld [HIATUS]

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Small issue - if I create a new world after deleting the first one (through hardcore death or otherwise) I don't get my starting items to make the Nether portal again.
Small issue - if I create a new world after deleting the first one (through hardcore death or otherwise) I don't get my starting items to make the Nether portal again.
That's odd... You'll have to report that to bspkrs. I've never experienced this. The only issue I had with it was being unable to use mod items.

Does it work if you restart the pack?
Well, Challenge accepted.

I started new world, I made almost all machines needed, now what about machines that needs ender pearls?
I think if "Gany's End" added with the change of "Ender furnace" recipe and fuel needed can solve this problem.
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I think if "Gany's End" added with the change of "Ender furnace" receip can sulve this problem.
In 1.6.4 when I was testing this before it was on the FTB launcher, Santa vetoed adding Gany's anything to the pack.
Yes I did. I'll take a look at what has changed since then, though. I may just want to add Gany's End for that Ender Furnace thing.

EDIT: Vetoing again. The amount of stuff I would need to remove from Ganys Nether to make it balanced with the rest of the pack is absurd. Gany's End is only useful after you have the Ender Pearls. Gany's Surface... it should be obvious why that's not going in :P

I'll figure out a recipe using Mine or ModTweaker tonight, and get an update pushed (with a fair amount of other stuff) this week.
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Updated to 0.1.2


Mod Changes
Added MobiusCore 1.2.2
Added Opis 1.2.2a

Removed Placeable Tools


Updated Better Dungeons to BETA 2
Updated Starting Inventory to r02
Updated Another One Bites The Dust to 0.2.3
Updated BiblioWoods Natura to 1.3
Updated BiblioWoods Biomes O' Plenty to 1.7
Updated Biomes O' Pleny to
Updated CoFH Core to 3.0.0B5-30
Updated CoFH Lib to 1.0.0B4-24
Updated Ender IO to
Updated Iron Chests to
Updated Mekanism to
Updated Mekanism Generators to
Updated Mekanism Tools to
Updated MineTweaker 3 to 3.0.7
Updated NEI Addons to
Updated NotEnoughItems to
Updated Railcraft to
Updated Redstone Arsenal to 1.1.0B4-10
Updated Santa's Toys to 0.3
Updated Tinkers' Construct to 1.6.0d39
Updated Thermal Expansion to 4.0.0B3-13
Updated Thermal Foundation to 1.0.0B3-8

Config Changes
Removed OtherGen.json (Dark Iron and Zinc generation in the nether)

Script Changes
Added Mushroom Stew recipes with the Natura Wood Bowls
Added Tool Forge recipes for the different metal blocks
Organized Recipes.zs a bit better

I will get to the Ender Pearls in the next version.
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Reactions: Padfoote
OreDict tin to Zinc?
Also, for the overworld, you can just make it a skyblock (which renders it useless), you could add ex nihlio (to make the overworld a skyblock) and remove all (or some) features (so that the overworld is truly useless). Think about it. For disabling the way back to the overworld at all, you can disable the nether portal multiblock structure (one way to do so would be forcing vanilla portal blocks to remove themselves when they're touching an obsidian block - yes, it would cause lag, but you're not supposed to have portal blocks anyway [other than the one in the overworld], right?), and just give players a portal block instead of 10 obsidian and a fire charge.
OreDict tin to Zinc?
Nah, that'll be a pain when Flax eventually adds TiCon support, which he's said he's going to do several times.
OreDict tin to Zinc?
Also, for the overworld, you can just make it a skyblock (which renders it useless)
Yeah I've been considering that. I've also been considering getting Flax to make a mod that makes the overworld absolutely unlivable by making it "end" :cool:
Nah, that'll be a pain when Flax eventually adds TiCon support, which he's said he's going to do several times.

Yeah I've been considering that. I've also been considering getting Flax to make a mod that makes the overworld absolutely unlivable by making it "end" :cool:
or you could make all the world superfun! (TiCo version)
make all the overworld blocks the same as quartz in nether. Mine one, you better get em all or CATACLYSMICBOOM instant CTD with a warning that santa knows you've been naughty and ignored his warning. Next time, Like your nose, don't pick the overworld buddy......

This pack looks fun, but I think I'll wait till you put HQM in there and get 1000 fedex quests for lava and other goodies... /s